Dallas Info - Any help much appreciated.

Discussion in 'Jets Experience' started by Sandman, Mar 27, 2007.

  1. Sandman

    Sandman Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    Hi all,

    Im a Jets fan in London and i recentley made my first trip to NY to see the Jets just before Xmas. I loved it and plan to come to at least 2 games in NY this upcoming season. On that particular occasion i asked for help on info about everything from going to the game, to hotels, travelling into NY city and you guys were a great help.

    That trip i came alone as i only really have one other buddy who is into the NFL like me and he is a Cowboys fan. So hence the thread! i need any and all info any of you can give me about going to Dallas, the stadium, the location to the town and airport anything at all. The 2 of us are going to fly direct from London to Dallas and it looks like Fort Worth is our best bet?

    So if you guys can answer any of the questions below i would be most grateful. Thanks in advance for any help.

    1. Are internal US flights to Dallas fairly cheap? at the moment its going to cost me somwhere in the region of $700 to fly direct to Dallas. But i could get a flight of around $450 to NY. But would it make it cost efficient to get a connection onto Dallas?

    2. How far is the stadium from the major airports and the town centre? im more interested in the game so a hotel nearer the stadium is not out of the question, but if i got a hotel near Fort Worth would it be an easy travel to the Stadium?

    3. Is fort worth close to downtown Dallas at all?

    4. What other major attractions are there in and around Dallas? that i could do in the other spare days?

    5. With this being a Thanksgiving day game will it be harder or easier for me to get tickets for the game?

    6. Is there public transport to the stadium from Fort worth area?

    Thanks guys, im not sure how many of you have been to Dallas or whether we have any dallas based Jets fans on the forum so I hope i get some info and if so that will be amazing.

  2. Mario

    Mario Well-Known Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    I am not from dallas, but I will do my best to help you from what I know.

    DWF is the airport which is about 20 miles away from dallas. They have shuttles that take you to down town hotels. I dont think there is much in Ft.Worth. The stadium is in Irving but thats a suburb from dallas. I believe they have buses that take you to games, but i am not positive.
    Dallas is a big city, i am sure they have alot to do. Check out www.virtualtourist.com or fodors.com they can give you ideas.

    If you are planing on coming for a week or so you could fly around texas on www.southwest.com to Austin or San Antonio for a day or two. Tickets are about 100 round trip to either place.
    New Orleans, LA is only about a 90 min flight incase you wanted to check that out as well.

    The friday after thanksgiving has Texas vs Texas A&M, i think the game is in Austin this year. Thats probably the biggest game of the year for people in texas.

    You should check out a cowboys site, maybe they can help you more.
  3. Sandman

    Sandman Well-Known Member

    Dec 22, 2002
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    Yeah i posted on a Cowboys forum but have had only 1 response so far. Im a bit disapointed in that, after all the help i got from you guys when i asked for details about coming to NY i thought maybe the Cowboys fans would be just as helping! but afraid not! it seems us Jets fans are the best! :)

    Thanks for your info on other bits and peices, i did some research, used Google maps etc and i have worked out great places to stay and how to get to the stadium etc.

    Im just trying to get more info on tickets and internal US flights now so i have almost what i needed. The rest i can wing it.

    Thanks though mario! :)
  4. jkgrandchamp

    jkgrandchamp Member

    Feb 23, 2006
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    Ft worth is not too far from dtown dallas . Its about 15- 20 mins .... If you are looking for inexpensive look at a red roof inn . It will be harder to get tix to the game since the Cowgirls sell out so fast . Youll be able to get tix on stubb hub but be prepared to pay .... well you can go to austin which is not too far and is known for its sorority girls and bars.... Or stay in dallas and check out your hotel courtisy desk for ideas ....Public trans yeah but you gotta ask for further details since its been almost 8 yrs since i was in Texas . Just rent a car and drive its much more . Oh yeah be advised irving tx is a dry city which when I say dry I mean no alchy or bars ..... you will love texas .. have a safe trip .. And gl on the tix

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