Cutler = Ramsey in 3 years

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by californiajet, Mar 10, 2006.

  1. californiajet

    californiajet Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    Very strong arm, not super accurate, but gritty and able to take a beating, immature.

    This description fits both players. The number one thing that kept Ramsey's career off track (besides coming into spurriers system) is IMMATURITY,a similarity between Cutler and Ramsey. Well Cutler, er, Ramsey is now 27 years old has gone through a lot as a pro and will come here with a chip on his shoulder. We will bypass the learning curve of probably 3 years realistically for Cutler to be competitive. That will NOT work in New York and there is a huge risk that Cutler will just be a bust and we will have to start over again (look at the last 10 years for the Bengals before they finally got it right). Do I think Ramsey will all of the sudden turn into Peyton Manning here? Absolutely not, and we dont need him to! We need to add balance to our team and not tie up all our resources in one area where is is unlikely to produce great returns.

    With such a cheap solution at QB it will provide us the opportunity to EQUIP our QB with the weapons he needs to succeed. I think Vernon Davis would be a major consideration in the draft. In addition, both Ramsey and Pennington know that they are playing for their careers and they both have something to prove. Whoever is the better QB will be better BECAUSE of the competition.

    I could see a offseason like this. We trade Abe to Denver for #22, Sign Kevin Shaeffer, Makke Kemo$*%, Willie Mcginest, Justin Hartwig.

    At #4 we could have a lot of trade down partners for either D-brick or cutler. For arguments sake we could trade down to #9, pick up a second rounder and....

    #9: Vernon Davis, TE
    #22: Laurence Maroney
    2a) Nick Mangold or best available gaurd if mangold is gone
    2b) cornerback or wide reciever

    That's just one scenario but it is great that we have options and we CAN spend some money on players because we don't have to enter rebuilding mode for 3 years.

    Rant over! Basically I am on the Ramsey trade bandwagon!
  2. e-x

    e-x New Member

    May 11, 2005
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    they are hardly the same person

    i'm sure peyton manning was compared to some guy who sucks when he first came out
  3. UncleTomNYJ

    UncleTomNYJ Active Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    I think we have mre pressing needs than TE. i know this guy is a freak at the position but a TE is not going to make us great
  4. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Two problems with your theory CaliforniaJet

    1) How do you come up with the idea that Cutler is "immature?"

    2) Cutler is a much SMARTER quarterback than Ramsey.

    There is also the issue of size and strength. Cutler is 3 inches taller than Ramsey (which IMO is one of Ramsey's issues...he's really only 6-1/6-2 at most) allowing him to see the field better. Ramsey has also been somewhat injury prone during his career.

    Finally, some people in the NFL are saying that Ramsey is too sensitive a person to play in the NY Market. He's had issues with the fans and media in Washington. The talk is he's not a good fit here.

    Now, for a #5, I'd give him a try, but I wouldn't think he's a definite #1 QB here.

    Not that I 100% favor taking Cutler right now either. I'd rather build the lines first...and then find a QB.
  5. xjets2002x

    xjets2002x Active Member

    Aug 28, 2002
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    After seeing Ramsey play in that Spurrier offense where it seemed like the only blocker was snapping the ball, I can't doubt his toughness. This kid took shot, after shot, after shot.

    What makes anyone think Cutler is smarter than Ramsey?

    A)Cutler has done exactly NOTHING in the NFL
    B)Cutler wasn't relied upon as the main cog in his offense until this year, where he put up rather pedestrian numbers.

    Cutler's is way overvalued. Aside from the physical, nothing about him should inspire his current draft status. I'd much rather have Ramsey, and use the picks to build elsewhere. Worst case scenario, it blows up in our face, and we're in a position to select either Brady Quinn or Drew Stanton next year.

  6. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Some people in the NFL are also saying a change of scenery would do him well and he will flourish in the right system.

    NY could be that system.

    Also, you can't say Cutler is a smarter QB than Ramsey. Lets see how Cutler does when NFL lineman are chasing him around the field. He may make just a many (if not more) mistakes than Ramsey has made in the past.

    With that said, I think picking up Ramsey makes the most sense for us right now. We could trade down from 4 (hopefully get something nice for Abe) and address a lot of needs.
  7. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Also, Mel Kiper yesterday (on Mike and Mike) said when Ramsey was coming of college, most NFL scouts had him rated higher than they currently have Cutler.

    Does this mean anything? No. I just felt it was relevant considering the direction of this post.
  8. Green Guy

    Green Guy New Member

    Aug 27, 2002
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    Cutler is WAY smarter than Ramsey! Check the scouting reports! Cutler got one of the highest Wonderlic tests this year. He's also graduating on time from Vanderbilt!

    Ramsey gets shaken in the pocket...Cutler does not. At least from what I've seen.

    Cutler had plenty of SEC Lineman chasing him down and he showed smarts and guts and toughness.

    No one said Ramsey isn't tough. He just let's it get to him and makes big time mistakes. I'm not totally against Ramsey, but Cutler is a big time prospect.
  9. Green Hurricane

    Green Hurricane Footsteps Falco

    Feb 3, 2003
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    Ramsey measured at about 6-2 and a half when he was coming out, Cutler just measured in at 6-2 7/8. They are nearly the exact same height.

    Also, I really wouldn't call Cutler a much smarter QB than anyone. If he were a smart QB, then he might be the best in the draft. It's his tendency to make poor decisions that is his biggest problem.
  10. 28rogerblaze51

    28rogerblaze51 New Member

    Mar 27, 2005
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    We do not need to draft TE in this draft.

    All we need to do is sign a RT or someone strong enough to play RT. And sign a NT who can take on blockers. We can find both in FA. The rest is found in the draft.
  11. EvilClownFace

    EvilClownFace New Member

    Mar 2, 2006
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    Wonderlic? Dan Marino scored a 16 on his Wonderlic. I think he was a pretty good QB.

    Alex Smith had a great Wonderlic score, and looked good in the pocket in college.

    You simply can't compare Cutler to Ramsey at this particular point in time. Wait for Cutler to actually take a few snaps in the NFL before you start calling him a smarter QB and talking about his pocket presence.

    And last I checked, NFL lineman are a tad bit faster than SEC lineman.
  12. GreenHornet

    GreenHornet New Member

    Oct 3, 2005
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    Personally, I want to pass on signing Ramsey and draft Cutler.
  13. mimzr007

    mimzr007 New Member

    Jan 4, 2006
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    I think giving up a 5th round pick for Patrick Ramsey is a good idea. Low salary, not millions for a back up. Plus he showes upside, and maybe a new system will change things for him
  14. xxedge72x

    xxedge72x 2018 Gang Green QB Guru Award Winner

    Aug 28, 2002
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    GG, smart people don't make smart QBs. It helps certainly, but it isn't the deciding factor. Some people are just born with the natural ability to play great football. I don't feel like Cutler is going to be one of those people. I feel like Cutler is this years media cinderella-man and they are going to put his value through the roof because he makes a great story, coming from a crap football college, and having physical tools that most qbs would dream of. The media is always looking for that great fairy tale story, and Cutler is exactly that. The media doesn't feel good when people who succeed in college also succeed in the NFL, because they're simply used to success. But if you take this self-loving brat and he has a great career, he will be able to use the whole Vanderbilt experience as a cornerstone for his story rising from zero to hero.
  15. abdulsalaam

    abdulsalaam New Member

    Sep 2, 2002
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    Ramsey graduated on time from Tulane. The Harvard of Louisiana! He's wicked smart.

    (sayeth the Tulane alum)
  16. californiajet

    californiajet Member

    Jan 16, 2003
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    Let me say that I am not anti-cutler and I wouldnt be jumping off a brigde if we picked him but It is definatly riskier and would tie up a lot of resources in the QB position, which we cannot do with a team that is currently talent starved at other position.

    Also, I dont see the logic when you question my comment that Cutler is more immature than Ramsey and then say that Cutler is definantly smarter than Ramsey! I, like everyone else, can only speak from what I read in scouting reports and such. What I continue to read is that Cutler's weaknesses are decision making, that he tried to fit in the ball when the play isnt there and is overconfident. That is not all necessarilly negative but some of it also reflects immaturity. Thats not a knock on Cutler just a statement of fact that he is young and inexperienced.

    The main problem I have is that everytime this guy works out / plays the report reads that he has a great arm but his throws are erratic and he needs a lot of work...then it always says but it really hasnt done anything to drop his stock! The guy played a terrible senior bowl and everyone is like "well he looked great during practice". I dont think he is terrible but I just think the media is shining too much sunshine on this guy
  17. Johnny4

    Johnny4 New Member

    Dec 28, 2003
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    I would pass on Cutler good pick at # 10-15. Not #4. Mario Williams, D'Brick or Bush if we keep the pick.
  18. #1 Jets Fan

    #1 Jets Fan Guest

    Peyton a great reg. season QB, but in the playoffs he sucks.

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