To all the higher ups and big mucky mucks in the Jets Org. Here is a "no brainer" (but again, Im talking to the higher ups at the Jets who might not see the big picture). Retire Curtis Martin's jersey #28 during half time at the home opener against the Patriots. This will serve two purposes, the team Curtis started with can honor him and of course the team he will be representing in Canton, OH in 5 years will also pay their respects to his illustrious career. But who am I? Just a lowely season ticket holder. I wonder if Woody and the boys have the foresight to see this as a fitting tribute to Curtis. I am hoping and praying that this will to fruition. Relocated Jet Fan in hostile territory... Daytona Beach, FL
I dont think so at all. He played on the Pats so it's fitting. And we'll be losing at halftime so it will get the crowd back into it.