The most spot on assessment of yesterday's performance and the offseason of Tangini was turned in by Selena Roberts of the New York Times, but lo and doesn't appear on the Jets Clippings page! The article, "After Off-Season of Grandeur, Hint of Delusions in a Defeat" blisters the GM and particularly, the coach with passages like this: --"Celebrity is heady stuff for a former ball the Jets' season-opening mysery unfolded yesterday at the Meadowlands, Mangini and his sidekick personnel wiz, Mike tannenbaum, revealed how far removed they are from the brilliance of Bill." --"For one thing, they are dimwits at math. The Jets made a $1million mistake when they refuest to pay guard Pete Kendall. Even Belichick, the prize winner in the socially awkward sweepstakes made up with Tom Brady by fetching a reinvigorated Randy Moss to please his QB who felt lost since the departure of Deon Branch. Meanwhile Mangini left CP unloved, unprotected and vulnerable to calamity." --"Is he Mangeious or Mandevious? The way Mangini left Pennington exposed to enter this season is close to cruel. Is his strategy to push Pennington out so he can bring his own master QB?" --"In reality, the bullseye existed before the game. The risk to Pennington was high from the moment the Jets decided to cut coupons to assemble their offensive line, to cut corners in preserving the health of Pennington. Pennington deserved better. Certainly Kendall was not the god of left guards...but he was a solid ounce of protection in the prevention of a pound of injurty to Chad. Perhaps prevention didn't enter Mangini's beautiful mind.
One can put together a one-sided article on doesn't make it true. There is plenty of blame to go around after this game, but let's wait a few weeks before we declare this regime a failure. DbJ
I wonder how many football games Selena Roberts played in her life? You think if they had kendall this would of been different? The Oline sucked the year before when they had kendall
It's missing from the Jets website because the article is part of the NYT pay per view articles To continue reading this article, you must be a subscriber to TimesSelect. Log in now.
All the media does is either over-glorify or sling mud. Spot on assessment my ass. So far what we have is one bad game out of a season. Ok, one horrible game. It is a little soon though to be calling them out as such. There isn't a coach or front office in the league that does not make some mistakes along the way. Even with guys brought up under some of the games best coaches. And the whole bit about trying to remove Pennington through injury is ludicrous. This article most likely got removed because it is shyte.
I dont agree with him. I dont know how someone can be so down on a team after one game against the best damn team in the NFL (yeah I said it). Why doesnt this guy wait a few more games before writing the Jets off. Don't be some idiot that agrees with everything said in the media. Think critically, read in between the lines. This guy needed and article to write and he wrote based on one game because it's his job. Doesn't mean you need to take it like gospel.
This is such a one-sided sounds like something you'd read in the daily news...not the New York Times. Why in the world would Mangini "set-up" Chad to lose his job (obviously hurting the Jets chances to succeed this year) in his 2nd year as coach of the team. What an absurd article! The fact you actually thought this was spot on is even more alarming.
Couldn't agree more about the media Jetzz. Selena thinks mangini treated Chad like one of Vick's pitbulls The way Mangini left Pennington exposed to enter this season is close to cruel. Lady it's called FOOTBALL
wtf is this crap? ferguson gets raped and instead of blaming him you blame mangini for not re-signing kendall? wtf does kendall have to do with anything?
Herm putting Curtis Martin into a game with both ankles hurt is CRUEL but mangini won't give the the "we play to win the game " quote so the press is going to blast him every chance they get I'm sick of the F'n media in this town
I'm so tired of this argument. NO coach in the NFL tries to injure his own player, regardless of how he feels about that player's ability. That's the kind of crap pulled by high school freshman football coaches (I can tell you from experience). And yet, she calls Mangini the dimwit...
If she would have written this LAST year Id be impressed. After one loss -- all of sudden they dont know what they are doing?" Enough of Kendall == all of a sudden he is the best OL in the league? The problem yesterday wasnt even Clarke.
Selena Roberts is such a fucking bitch. She wrote a scathing mudslinging column about Manigini last year before the season started and when the Jets ended up winning, she never wrote another one for the rest of the season. Now after one game, when it's the easiest time to start the darkside pessimism, she's back with more BS conjecture. What she needs to do is go back to tennis coverage, because the catty emotions she has for our GM and coach is way out of line and strictly personal.
The media hates Tangini bc they refuse to leak them stories and throw them bones. The media actually has to work now and they don't like that, so any chance they get badmouth them, they will.
Kendall being gone isn't about saving money, if the Jets wanted to go the cheap route, why spend 2 first rd picks on the offensive line? She sounds like she thinks we pay Ferguson and Mangold with coupons and foodstamps. Of course, why am I arguing; it sounds like nobody buys this BS anyway.