Question: When was the first time that you noticed a bar code and even a magnetic strip on the back of your driver's license? Do you think it would be out of the question that it ends up being mandated by law to have RFID chips implanted into our hands? Would you resist it? Would you be first in line to get implanted? What would it take for you to justify getting RFID implanted into your body?
I'm not too worried about it. I know there is a lot of religious stigma about it, but I just can't see it like that. People will throw fits about it though, so I don't know if it will even happen any time soon.
The hell does religion have to do with this? I'm talking about the government implanting a microchip into your body that can be tracked by all manner of radio frequency. By the way, you ignored the first question.
Its going down that path. Little by little they will convince the people to do it. Testing it on dogs like Lo Jack. On every credit card. It will happen sadly
They will have to make the people SWALLOW a Load before it happens but all it takes is the media to inflitrate their minds its a sad day in history when this happens
People have been swallowing loads of this for years. All you have to do is make them think it will protect them and they will come running to the nearest clinic for an implant, with unexpecting children in tow.
Ain't no fucking way.... I might go Cypress Hill and kill a man the day they try and pull that shit on me.
I don't think it'll get to that point, primarily because there probably won't be a need, what with the GPS in your phone and the EZ Pass in your car and your online bank records, its not like you're every movement can't be pretty well tracked right now.
Cars and phones can be stolen. So can identities. The easiest way to find a criminal is to know which people aren't the criminals. What better way to do that than to make sure that all of the "honest" people are identified easily? You need to get over the idea that this is far fetched. The entire country was cool with the idea that the city of Boston got a full day worth of rectal exams because of a bombing that affected a fraction of one percent of their population.
I don't think it's fetched very far at all. The technology is obviously there. I don't have much hope the population would resist much, for the same reasons as you. Implanting the ID in your arm smacks a little too close to tattooing numbers on concentration camp prisoners, so I think more palatable means of tracking and surveillance are much more likely.
We are further removed from WWII than you seem to think. I ask people all the time about my crackpot theories and mainly get a blank look when I show outrage about the idea that they would rather be chipped than have to carry around a wallet or purse full of credit cards. And that is before I even bring up the safety issues. People are so lazy that they would rather get a foreign object implanted inside their body than deal with the hassle of renewing a credit card. I hate this world. Or maybe I just hate the Southwest United States. I dare you to ask those questions to people you know and honestly come back with their responses. It may shock you.
"On every unauthoritative exercise of power by the legislature must the people rise in rebellion or their silence be construed into a surrender of that power to them? If so, how many rebellions should we have had already?" -Thomas Jefferson
*"If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up homeless on the continent their Fathers conquered...I believe that banking institutions are more dangerous to our liberties than standing armies... The issuing power should be taken from the banks and restored to the people, to whom it properly belongs." - Thomas Jefferson
RFID, hell no. A google chip, hell yes. I'd be the first in line to get a google implant that can connect to the internet and surf the web in your head as well as manage your bank account directly and monitor your health. Man is destined to merge with technology. Don't fear it... although fuck RFID, that's just for monitoring. If it doesn't have a real purpose I don't want it.
RFID is a short range frequency that would only be useful say when a cop pulls you over. What you're talking about with a Google implant would have you connected to a wireless network 24/7. This idea is far more abusable than an RFID.
I probably wouldn't do it for a free weekend at a time share that included a 30minute sales pitch. I might do it for a free pass through TSA. If they threw in a toaster oven and a free pass I'm in.
people are typically scared stupid lemmings. they will have to implant one in my cold dead hand as that is hte only way it will happen. they have been doing this for a number of years on cattle, the control freaks who run this country will always be looking for newer, better more invasive ways to control and track. and people are so goddamn stupid they will not only let it happen they will talk about what a great fucking idea it is. now go get your flu shot and ez pass and cell phone with gps in it. fucking morons. the best one is the i am not doing anything wrong so what do i care if people are watching my every move?