been nice chatting for the short time I chatted. One specific thread really got my gonads going. That Mia Khalifa shit. Some PIG who would rather sign an ISIS flag than a Jets flag. I`m sure I`m banned again for my belief on it, but I`m an AMERICAN and my religious belief is no one`s business, like it should be, unless I feel like saying something about it. Thats just a bullshit thread to have on this site. It should be removed imo. I also don`t understand why I was banned temporarily for stating my opinion, as harsh as it was. You moderators need to get your heads outta your asses or maybe one day that religion will take your heads. I mean really now. Read the Koran and see what it truly it is. Martyrs going to heaven on a winged horse with 75 virgins waiting for them?? LOL Holy mother******* shit.
Hope they let you stay on for a while to keep it up--the entertainment value beats the shit out of articles on the possibility of the jets franchising someone.
I got an email today from a fragile, old widow in Switzerland telling me if I just send her company my name, address, email, phone number and SS#, she will transfer $6.5 million dollars from her account in Nigeria to my savings account. Seeya suckers, I'm outta here!