I dunno... I wasn't watching. And Charles Robinson is sort of a dumbass. Did anyone actually see/hear anything from Mangini?
Who gives a rat's ass as to how he interviews. Herman coaching was mediocre, but he sure could interview. Bill B interviews are mediocre but he can sure coach. Case closed. Screw the media.
With you all the way. He is not being paid to look pretty in front of the media, he is being paid to coach the New York Jets and win football games. What was Mangini supposed to do, tell this media ass-clown all of the internal workings that are going on with the New York Jets. Bellichick sometimes comes acrossed as being deranged, but he is arguably the best coach in football.
Obviously a media person has to believe that fans are waiting on the edge of their seats for what they report, or else what purpose would they serve? I'd be very interested to hear if there is anyone who cares whether Mangini is a boring interview or not, other than someone in the media.
lol...I was thinking the same thing when I read the article this morning. The media is never going to fall in love with this guy. Thats the bottom line..thats why you read articles about his age...and then his age...and I even read about 10 articles last month...about his age. Hes every media guys nightmare...and compared to the bullshit, nonsensical car salesman jibberish we were treated to the last 5 years...the only thing I would like for my head coach to do is the following: Shut the fu#$ up and win.
I guess we missed our chance. We should have kept Herm around to keep these media fools happy and brought in Mangini to coach to make Jet fans happy. a WIN-WIN for everybody!
We should've kept Herm as a PR guy if anything. If nothing else, he knows how to interview. Heck, make him Speaker of the House in Congress!
Best news I have heard. I am glad Mangini is quiet and boring. I was sick of that clown Edwards.............Mangini rules!
I'll definately miss listening to herms interviews and press conferences. I loved herm the guy, just not herm the coach.
Yes i did. Maybe i find incredably stupid shit that has nothing to do with the question that was asked, funny. What's so wrong with that?
Sorry..but if I want comedy I'll spend my hard earned $ going to Catch A Rising Star. the problem is that all the media though Herm gave them great material so they never held him accountable for his atrocious coaching.
Why is it that these media types claim he needs to speak for the fans? We want wins, and we want to hear good things about our team. We don't want you, the media, to tear our team apart every chance you get. I'm perfectly happy with the way things are. I can think for myself, thank you.