can't we all just get along?????

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by ToddisGod, Nov 1, 2009.

  1. ToddisGod

    ToddisGod Banned

    Mar 5, 2008
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    I am not sure if it changes anything but maybe just maybe the attitude and doom is gloom feeling our entire fan base resides under is part of the problem I go to other teams sites often and never ever do I see the barbs and insults that we all seem to cast on each other "Fellow Jet Fans" we are but you would never know it by the tone of this website. I have read about it and from experience believe in creating good luck, success etc.... Our Subconcscios mind is very powerful and can affect the outcome of our day to day life. Perhaps from this moment forward as fans we should do what we can to turn this "Fucking" franchise around. Critique each others posts but be civil one another, understand that many posts are written with emotion and not with common logic and thought and this leads to many of then not so intelligent posts in here.
    Lets stop killing each other and realize we are in this thing together and its time to work together to get ourselves and our team out of this stinking negative world we now reside in, we have company in this world and unfortunately it includes some other of our NY teams, but I dont like it and want it to END.
  2. 624

    624 Banned

    Apr 26, 2008
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    You really need to use paragraphs or something, who the hell would want to read that clusterfuck.
  3. The Jutty

    The Jutty Banned

    Oct 4, 2009
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    Haha not trying to insult the OP but those were my thoughts exactly when I first opened the post. I just was gonna let it slide tho.
  4. SydneyDon

    SydneyDon 2008/2009 TGG The Green Card "International Poster

    Oct 20, 2005
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    No but he's dead right. I got about 2 lines in and naturally gave up and went straight to the 2nd post.

    OP, just add some paragraphs and it will make a world of difference.
  5. RunLeonRun

    RunLeonRun Active Member

    Nov 19, 2008
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    that is one longgg sentence! i also stopped reading after like 7 words. periods are your friend! paragraphs are your friend!
  6. ToddisGod

    ToddisGod Banned

    Mar 5, 2008
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    I am glad you guys jumped in and made my point. Does it really matter its a New York Jet Football site, not English 101. I have been a Jet fan for 25 years and it pains me to say it but one of the toughest thing at times is dealing with "Jet" fans. I am season ticket holder and embarassed by the lack of football knowledge that is displayed and the general attitude we as fans portray to our team and the rest of the league. I am just making point that we as Jet fans I believe contribute as much to our misery as our team does. Read the posts, respect the posts and take the time to realize that grammar or common sense often go out the window when emotions get involved.
  7. SydneyDon

    SydneyDon 2008/2009 TGG The Green Card "International Poster

    Oct 20, 2005
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    All we are saying, in a friendly manner, is that your point might be better made with some basic punctuation, a few paragraphs.

    We are saying that it is hard to read. So then you did it all again.
  8. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    I cleaned it up a little. I agree with it.

    I am not sure if it changes anything but maybe, just maybe, the attitude and "doom and gloom" feeling our entire fan base resides under is part of the problem. I often go to message boards of other teams and never do I see the barbs and insults that we all seem to cast on each other. "Fellow Jet Fans" we are, but you would never know it by the tone of some of these posts.

    I have read about it and from experience believe in creating good luck, success, etc. Our subconscious mind is very powerful and can affect the outcome of our day to day life. Perhaps from this moment forward as fans we should do what we can to turn this "Fucking" franchise around. Critique each others posts but be civil one another, understand that many posts are written with emotion and not with common logic and thought and this leads to many of then not so intelligent posts in here.

    Let's stop killing each other and realize we are in this thing together and it's time to work together to get ourselves and our team out of this stinking negative world we now reside in, we have company in this world and unfortunately it includes some other of our NY teams, but I don't like it and want it to END.
  9. ThunderbirdJet

    ThunderbirdJet New Member

    Jun 14, 2005
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    This site was very different a few years ago. People could have opinions and talk Jets football with a minimum of attacks from internet tough guys. These days, it escalates into a personal attack almost immediately. Even some posters that I used to respect seemingly have let some of these newer posters drag them down too.

    This site used to be fun to visit... now, not so much anymore. Too bad.
  10. SydneyDon

    SydneyDon 2008/2009 TGG The Green Card "International Poster

    Oct 20, 2005
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    Now that Badger cleaned it up I also agree with it. I honestly didn't read it originally, and ironically the very thing he was complaining about was then executed in posts 2-5.
  11. BadgerOnLSD

    BadgerOnLSD Banned

    Sep 6, 2004
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    Yeah, I thought that was pretty funny.
  12. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    every jets fan i meet in real life usually provides for a cordial encounter

    people definitely blast each other on this forum

    internet has something to do with it
  13. jets_fan_in_fishtown

    jets_fan_in_fishtown Active Member

    Mar 6, 2009
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    they completely made your point.

    i read the whole thing, and agree. and then laughed after i read the replies
  14. GreyhoundJet

    GreyhoundJet Active Member

    Jan 1, 2006
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    I'm not sure if it's the same way on all sports message boards (or message boards in general) but people who are here throughout the week (and not just on Sundays) as well as throughout the offseason really hate when people just come here on Sundays to post a thread about how much we suck when there are already multiple threads about it or it is just plain wrong.

    I tend to agree with you about the emotion part. There are many people on here who create a thread after a game out of pure emotion where, in a good state of mind, they realize that it doesn't add much to the football conversation that is trying to be created here. This does get annoying but it something that happens and everyone has to deal with it.
  15. Ted

    Ted Member

    Oct 8, 2009
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    Every fan forum site has issues with emotional posts based on frustration and some sites tolerate letting it get personal. Finheaven you can talk trash but once it gets personal, you're done. Saints Report you can't even talk bad about the team without facing being banned.

    Gang Green doesn't moderate personal attacks which is why sometimes I see it get out of hand. Don't get me wrong. Finheaven has it's fair share of knuckleheads that post based on emotion not logic. If you go in there and discuss football, some fans don't want you there and will let you know. A lot of us though, appreciate debating with the opposition, myself included.

    You have knuckleheads in here that don't want me here only because I love the Dolphins and they let me know. I ignore it because a lot of you can carry on a good football debate. Makes the game and discussion much better when viewed from different perspectives.
  16. ToddisGod

    ToddisGod Banned

    Mar 5, 2008
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    What record over the next 6 games would get us positive again?

    Jacksonville home
    New England away
    Carolina Home
    Buffalo away
    Tampa Bay Away
    Atlanta at Home

    IS 4 and 2 in our reach??? Does 4 wins one of those coming over New England change our attitude towards the team again.
    Could we get 5 of these games?
  17. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    The Jets will not beat New England.
    They will not beat Atlanta.
    They will not beat Buffalo.

    They would have to go 6-0 to change my attitude.
  18. 94Abraham

    94Abraham Well-Known Member

    Sep 21, 2003
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    Probably not. Sanchez throwing in the wind at Buffalo is a recipe for disaster. 3-3 is probably about realistic. I sure hope Tampa has a win by the time we play them. We have a habbit of bringing the best out of mediocre teams at times.
  19. GQMartin

    GQMartin Go 'Cuse

    Jun 3, 2007
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    The only reason I say we beat Carolina is because Delhomme just got hurt.
  20. Jetsandcanes

    Jetsandcanes Active Member

    Sep 8, 2005
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    we gotta go 5-1 during that stretch if we want any chance

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