Can we please stop with the "We lost this game" stuff

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Barry the Baptist, Oct 4, 2009.

  1. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Yes we made lots of mistakes on offense but we hate when other teams fans whine about losing. We got beat by the better team. New Orleans is a legit Super Bowl contender. They got pressure on the QB all day and Schotty got outcoached by a very good DC in Greg Williams.

    I don't want to hear about the officials killing us either. We lost time to move onto kicking the shit out of Miami. We played terrible because the Saints forced us to make mistakes. That's what good teams do. It's not panic time by any means because I thought we'd be 0-4 going into the Miami game. I certainly respect the Saints D alot more than I did going in. I think the Giants are going to have their work cut out for them because the Saints are real.

    Just please stop the whining because we got beat and no we didn't hand the game to anybody. The Saints made plays when they needed to and we didn't. That what wins and loses football games. We lost the turnover battle and I said earlier in the week to win the game we needed to win that battle.

    If you wanna talk about a team that handed a game away watch teh replay of the Ravens and Pats. That was a game the Pats were outplayed and won.
  2. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    posters like us won't be heard at a time like this. people are too busy crying and being Pussy Jet fans not understanding the big picture.

    let them go fuck themselves - they're retarded. Pitty them Rich. Because someone has to. I'd rather see them all killed.
  3. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    Reading the game threads and it's like people want to jump off thier roof? Did anybody really think we were gonna go 16-0? I've got news for everybody... we aren't going 15-1 or 14-2. We'll probabaly lose another 3 or 4 games at least.
  4. kinghenry89

    kinghenry89 New Member

    Jan 17, 2005
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    The Saints had a better gameplan, better execution, and (most importantly) better personnel on the field. Plus a rookie quarterback had (gasp!) a rookie game.

    Nothing left to do but move onto Miami. Or, if you're a Jets fan, cry and call for the coaches to all be fired.
  5. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    ^ high five motherfucker.
  6. KerryRose

    KerryRose New Member

    Aug 6, 2009
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    I was hoping for a win, I totally was. But I kinda knew it was time for us to be humbled. They have a great team. Could we have won this game with a few minor changes? Yes. But we didn't win and that's that. Time to move on to next week.
  7. Poeman

    Poeman Well-Known Member

    Jan 5, 2006
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    I dont have a problem...we obviously made alot of mistakes. 3 turnovers against this saints team will definitely haunt us.
    We had to lose one at some point or another.
    Now if this had happened against the dolphins then i would rip my tongue out
  8. KBJET

    KBJET Member

    Mar 1, 2008
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    Half the people on here just need to find excuses for everything. The refs are going to miss calls, they do it every game for both teams. I didnt see a penalty that really changed the game today that the refs missed.

    The game ended 10 minutes ago and theres already 20 threads saying that Sanchez should be benched and that Schotty needs to be fired. It's ridiculous and gets old quick.

    Personally, I can't be happier with where the Jets are right now. I never thought they would be 3-1 and winning the division at this point. And to make things better, the next part of the schedule is much easier than the first part. If the Jets play like they have so far, they can easily win the next 5 games!
  9. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    i'll agree with that, Poeman. if this happened against those pieces of shit I'd be pissed too.
  10. Sanchez All Day

    Sanchez All Day New Member

    Sep 30, 2009
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  11. hazmat

    hazmat New Member

    Aug 27, 2004
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    Just head to the bunker. People are going to jump off bridges after this game. No chance this year that sanchez wouldn't at least one game this year where he really looked like a rookie. The Saints defense played great. Brees didn't force the ball. The Saints kickoffs basically took the ball out of Washington's hands.

    On the jets side, the defense couldn't have played much better. Against the Saints offense and turning it over 4 times, they should have given up 50 points.

    I'm happy we are 3-1 with the softer portion of the schedule coming up. We now have a top of the line defense, great special teams, a head coach that I think most of us believe in and a rookie qb that has all the potential in the world. I'm excited for the future of this team.
  12. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Thank you RichMiano for bringing a dose of reality to this board! While the suicidal sky is falling posts are quite comical this is something that needed to be said.

    NO is a top notch team & I'll be rooting for them the rest of the way.
  13. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    It's amazing... we lost to a great team and peopel are acting like we got beat by the Lions or Browns. Our D held the best offense in football to less than what 250 yards? Something like that. We win the game without the mistakes but I always feel other teams force teams to make mistakes. The Saints D forced us to play as inept we were on offense. Their D is alot better than people thought they were.

    I'm with you Vision... I really like watching them and they won't see a D as good as ours teh rest of the year. They are special..
  14. Attackett

    Attackett Well-Known Member

    Oct 7, 2004
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    Their D is definitely better then I thought, we all knew about their O but their D is no slouch either. Charles Grant and Will Smith are animals.

    I have always had a soft spot for NO, the fact that there fans were really cool too while they were here makes it easy for them to be my NFC team to root for this year.
  15. dabrowsk1

    dabrowsk1 Active Member

    Apr 24, 2005
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    I agree. I hate losing being I saw alot of things I liked today. Sanchez is a rookie and was going to make mistakes. This will be a beneficial game for him down the road. I still believe he is our franchise QB, but he is still learning. I think he is going to be a great QB, people just have to live with the growing pains.

    Our special teams is fantastic. And the defense is phenomenal. We held the Saints, THE SAINTS, to just 10 offensive points. Personally, I think if this game was played in the second half of the season the outcome would be different. And Ryan is the real deal, he has the team playing on a level that it hasn't since Parcells. He is a defensive genius. All of this without Pace, Strickland, and Sheppard.

    I think the team, Ryan and Sanchez especially, will take what happened today and improve on it. Now bring on the Phins for a beatdown!!!
  16. k311

    k311 Member

    Dec 27, 2005
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    i think people are frustrated because we really could have won this game if not for a few mistakes. You're looking at a -17 point differential at least on two really silly mistakes.

    The defense was really good today, couldn't have asked for much more. And this is without Pace and Lito. This is going to win us a bunch of games this year.

    But with a rookie at QB, you have to do a better job establishing the run. If you're not threatening anyone with the run game, your QB is going to get blitzed the way that Sanchez did today. And then when you're playing with only one truly 1st team worthy WR, you're not going to have anyone bailing him out on heavy blitz plays.

    Coaching staff could have alleviated this by calling more spread formations and some better set-up screen plays, but its still going to be a problem as long as you're not establishing the run.

    We are going to have a good season. Would I like to see us go out and get one more big time WR? Of course I would. But we can still do some good things this year with the personnel we have. But we could be a lot better if opposing defenses had more to worry about downfield.
  17. quadcityjetsfan76

    Oct 5, 2008
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    I am glad this happened this week against the Saints. I could not handle a let down against the Phins. Do I think this game was winnable? Of course. Sanchez and his turnovers killed us. That is to be expected sooner or later by a rookie. Lets hope the CS works on protecting the ball a little better this week. We did not in this game, lets hope the CS takes that to the film room and makes the adjustments needed for the next game. Porter and Taylor could give Sanchez fits.
  18. retthib

    retthib New Member

    Sep 29, 2009
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    I was going to start a new thread, but I will just add my comments to this thread, since it is the most level headed thread I have read on this board today.

    First of all, I come in peace and to congratulate you guys on a game well played on the defense side of the ball. Very impressive.

    I mentioned all week on this board and my board that I felt our D would neutralize you guys O. I caught alot of flack for that, but as you guys can see, our D is legit. The turnover battle was key and that obviously won us the game.

    Sanchez played like a rookie, it was expected against a good D playing w/ confidence at home.

    You guys offensive play calling is suspect. I dont understand why play callers, Payton included, abandon the run, especially when working. Some of you guys 3rd & short play calls was confusing to me, but welcomed.

    Our NB Randall Gay played a great game. Sharper was tremendous. Charles Grant is finally healthy, playing well & having fun.

    Our O-line played well, that was encouraging.

    STs was solid on both teams.

    Shonn Greene looks like a player.

    No need to over react & label Sanchez as a bust after 1 bad game. Jeez guys, a lil over the edge, IMO. Especially calling him a bust in the gameday thread after the 1st INT. People like that drive me bananas.

    You guys have a great team. Yall will re-focus and play a good Miami team coming off a win. I wish you guys luck the rest of the way, especially against the rest on the NFC South. I hope yall kill Matt Ryan. We will do our best to beat the Pats & the Fins for you guys.

    I enjoy you guys board and I will be back around now & then, you guys are pretty cool and Ihope the feeling is mutual.
  19. JohnnyJohnson

    JohnnyJohnson Banned

    Mar 23, 2004
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    :up: to you buddy. Your guys played great.
  20. Barry the Baptist

    Barry the Baptist Hello son, would you like a lolly?

    Dec 12, 2003
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    This is a great post... Sanchez is going to make mistakes but he has looked very sub par since teh 1st quarter of the Titans game. I liek his drive and fire but he has to learn to hold onto the ball. The INT sucked but the fumble pissed me off more. He has done this in 3 straight games and he has to get better at protecting the ball. The reason I think the running game is struggling because Jones has lost that step. He either isn't interested in being here anymore or he is done. Not sure but he doesn't look good and his being productive allows Leon to be productive.

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