hey I was hoping to keep the Chrebet part in green to the left and have that bleed in to blue somewhere in the middle with Hideki Matsui on the right.
Type-O, Missed your request. It can be done would be easier if it was done by the original that way you could keep the fonts & writing but if you don't care about that... it can be done. Who made your sig?
Hey,thanks man. Yeah,the fonts and writing can be changed if need be. Cronox made this one,but i don't see him around here much anymore.
Being that you don't have any of the source files your sig will have to be made from scratch OR PS the PS...which means, better off making a new sig.... Do you have any pics of Green Lantern or Godzilla? Hey, There's an Idea for you!
Thats cool. A completely new sig is ok. I'll leave all the details to you guys as far as fonts and pics. As along as Lantern and Sui are on there and the green bleeds to the blue,its all good. I'm pretty computer illiterate,I can barely type right,let alone work with pics and stuff.
I think he got really busy with work and stuff and wasn't able to post too much. I hope he can start posting again,he is a good Yankees/Jet fan.
Type-O. I'll have time to do it this week. I had a busy week and the PS contest ate up whatever little Sig time I had.. Anything special you want to add like Godzilla in a sling? :sad: