Brady is proven innocent. Does this change your perspective on how the Jets will finish in the standings in the AFC East? Now the patriots are complete favorites to win the East. Thoughts?
Doesn't mean shit to the jets, its not like we wouldn't have been facing him anyways if the suspension stuck. LOL on deflategate though, we all knew this was going to happen
Its Murphy's Law when it comes to this. I must always think the worst will come to the Jets and the Pats will get the best treatment. Football, like life, isn't supposed to be fair.
I thought they were favorites while he was suspended, and my opinion hasnt changed. I think they will be worse than last year, but still win the division.
I thought that at the end of his suspension the Pats would be 2-2. I think now that he's playing they'll still be 2-2 after the 4 games. So it really doesnt change anything for me. Also he was "proven" innocent the same way OJ was "proven" innocent.
Innocent, haha? You can't prove someone innocent, there is no such thing in law, you can only find them not guilty and I would hold off on that too until we see if there will be an appeal.
who said cheaters never prosper - bellicheat better retire soon, before they uncover more of his cheating schemes and really tarnish his reputation.
Brady one tuck rule and 1 Pete Carroll brainfart from having 2 SB's, deflatgate cheater and Eli's bitch
What kind of athlete instructs his equipment guys to deflate his game balls and then throws them under the bus after? Tom Brady has no integrity. Suspension or not, Brady is still the same classless individual. Lucky for us his defense is going to be horrid this year
That's like saying OJ was proven innocent. What happened to our education system? I truly weepz for the children. _
What does this even mean? I thought the Patriots were the favorites going into this season even with a Tom Brady suspension. Now that he is not suspended, my opinion of them winning the division hasnt changed.
Once again the Pats organization is slapped on the hand for cheating. Spent millions to get there way and now watch, they are going to crow about it to all the media types who will eat it up. I never want to see a player hurt, but in this case I have to make an exception. I hope this puts a huge target on Brady. No outside the rules, just more determination to lay hits on him and put him on his a$$.
It means very little. Maybe a win or two more for them, but he wasn't suspended for games against the Jets. We either get good QB play or we don't. Brady doesn't change that.