Anyone else experiencing issues after updating to 3.15 for PS3? Shortly after installing this update my PS3 stopped reading discs. I did a full restore, it would finally recognise my discs, but only played for about 20 minutes before freezing again. I think I am toast here. Considering buying a new PS3, eventually having the other one repaired locally. Looks like the Blu Ray is failing or burning up. Regular DVDs and even PSOne games play fine, but Blu Ray discs seem to fail or not load at all.
Well I found the solution. $349 at Wal Mart....better than to pay Sony 150 to fix my current unit with a three month warranty. I will eventually get the original fixed. For now it is kept for it's backwards compatability and still plays regular DVDs, Internet, etc....
That sucks. I'm kind of fortunate if anything happens to mine. My sister's friend can fix just about any system out there. He fixed a busted touch system on my nephew's DSi and fixed my second 360 multiple times for me before I gave up on the system.