You guys played it? I played the demo on PS3 but it'ss till 60 bucks new. Blockbuster has the 360 version for 29.99 and I am pretty sure the content is identical on both systems....might go grab it tonight....
i believe it is pretty much the same on both systems, and yes i have played it. the story is awesome and actually needs to be pain attention too in order to fully enjoy the game. i learned that the hard way by not really paying attention and then when some really cool plot points came up i was lost for the most part. play it as soon as you can it is a great game all around.
Will prob get it on the weekend for 360....I don't think the graphics will be much different plus both systems look really good anyway.....shoulda got it tonight but I ended up havin beers
lol yeah, it almost borders on being too long by the end. you can only kill so many splicers before it gets repetitive.
True. I couldn't believe how much more there was after Ryan is dead. I knew all along that Atlas was someone bad though, either Ryan or first suspicion is when his family apparently die in the bathysphere....
EDIT- Sorry it's 5:40 am and I didn't bother reading the entire post and seeing that you already bought the game. I'm glad you enjoyed it :beer: I saw it used at my blockbuster for $14.99. If you want I can pick it up and ship it to you, but I'm not sure if the shipping costs to Canada would make it not worth it. Anyway, the game is one of my personal favorites. It's one of those games that you just can't miss out on playing