Congrats to the winners! Round 2! aka Help a brother out! This round you will be designing the adopt-a-jets sig! The 4 winners will have their sigs go into a new vote to be the Offiicial Adopt-A-Jet sig! PLEASE SAVE YOUR PSD!!!!!!!! Must be 400x100 [*]35kb limit [*]If you use a Screen name it must be GreenMachine [*]Due Saturday by 11 PM
hey for some reason i keep on gettin an error that says i cant stroke the file to make a border cuz im not selecting anything. I always just make a new top layer and press stroke and go through that whole schpeal why isnt this working
haha u win thanks fitm didnt know that do any of you guys do computer art/graphics for a living or know anyone that does?
You know what I love best about you graphics geeks? You're so innately fair, it's almost disgusting. All contest submissions are anonymous. Nobody complaining about fraudulent voting. People bowing-out gracefully when they break the rules. Hell, I even tried to stir up controversy last month when you all fixed the contest so that all the strongest graphics nerds were kicked out early, but I was told: "No no. . . I broke the rules. . .it's fair that I be kicked out." Now, I've always loved Soss's stuff, so I was good with him winning, but I just find this world fascinating. I LOVE this Forum. It's like some sort of Photoshop Lord of the Flies. This place is goddamn intoxicating in its weirdness. Don't ever change. Don't ever EVER change.
I remember you sticking up for me and I appreciated it more than you know. You're welcome here anytime! (Ignore all this silly scoffing) Now, that I'm in the second round FAIR AND SQUARE, I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's entries. Good Luck everyone! InSanity, if you need help with a technique, I'll help you. Cause that's the kind of grrl I am :up: :wink:
::sigh:: One of these days, I'll get through one evening without someone twisting my words into something perverted.