There are at least 12 people shot dead, possibly 3 active shooters.
Incredibly disturbing how bad our country is in with guns... So thoughts on what the rhetoric will be? This image popped up on my feed
If there are really 3 shooters, we might have a case of Muslim terrorism here. If there's one shooter, it's almost certainly some wacko white dude.
Damn straight. This might be the first ever case of someone disregarding the law! What is the world coming to.....
WTF is this country coming too??...It feels like a weekly/monthly occurrence. We continue to let guns roam free in this country because of an out dated constitutional amendment that took place in society back in 1791 when I understand if you needed a weapon to protect yourself This was before the age of the Wild West and when protecting whats yours was needed at all cost. Sorry to divert the thread, but man I am so pissed right now. I KNOW this is a developing situation, some are saying 3 shooters who are wearing body armor and a robot device is looking for explosives. But why a Developmental Disabilities facility? Need to stop watching the news...
I'd wait till the race/religion of the perpetrator(s) is announced before starting another anti-gun discussion.
why would the person's race/religion matter in a discussion of gun control after another shooting in the United States?
a Center for the disabled! What a bunch of pussies these shooters are! These mass shootings must stop and I need to take a break from the news again..
Because gun control laws are not going to stop a terrorist act organized by Muslim radicals, but proper immigration laws and surveillance just might. If it's a "lone wolf", then we can talk about gun control.
Doesnt matter if you are terrorist in this country or are turned into one, the fact that getting your hands on a gun is incredibly easy. These terrorists dont cross the border/fly into the country with guns
Nice cartoon. For me this is one of those situations where I am frustrated by a whole shitload of things. To start with, while the cartoon is very funny, there are legitimate reasons why those are the mental leaps people take when violence occurs. Simply put, most serial killers (in the conventional sense) are white males. OTOH, the vast majority of terrorism today is related in some way to extremist Islam. And while I don't hold 1.6 billion Muslims inherently responsible (the cartoon is out of date with the demographics) I do think that the general Muslim community should confront their own people more forcefully and take more responsibility for many things associated with terrorism in their religious institutions. Instead there is much more effort in pushing back against this critique than in accepting it and combating the scourge of extremism. This is unfortunate because it tars millions with taint of being blood-hungry murderers instead of good people. However, I am a big believer in the idea that for evil to triumph good people must only do nothing. This is not the only potential issue here, however. The USA must find a way to deal with guns and control the flow of arms. The second ammendment was never meant to arm the populace in general and it says that explicitly. Even the Supreme Court upheld the idea that the second amendment was only for an 'organized militia' until the last few decades or thereabouts. Now here is the real kicker: the NRA basically held this position as well until about 1970ish. So this isn't some ancient American concept where all people kept guns, that is simply not historically true. Moreover, the percentage of the population that was armed was always greater on the frontiers because of the need for said militia and the ability to protect oneself and hunt. To put it another way, keeping firearms was always a concept that where they were not deemed as necessary then those people were encouraged not to keep them, stock them up, etc. What is amazing to us today is that there was very little push back about this until the 20th century and well into the 20th century is really when this became an issue. So here is part of the problem: we have mangled the meaning of this amendment (and others). Even the NRA has completely lost what it's founding missions were. Look at the history in Wikipedia and you'll see that the NRA was largely a small, elite shooting club founded in 1871. This wasn't to protect the mass rights of the public for access to firearms! These were largely military men who wanted to improve the selection of armaments for the military, they wanted to keep their skillsets up to date after the USA essentially scrapped its army (once again, we always used to do that after wars) and to improve on these shooting skill sets. The idea was not to get millions of guns into the hands of Americans and it never was. EDIT: corrected some stupid writing mistakes and made an addition...
This is a lone wolf attack whether its muslim radicals or not but you are referring to an attack originated from someone outside the country, not race/religion.
352nd mass shooting of the year in the US Yes, Mass Shootings Are Occurring More Often New research from Harvard shows a chilling rise in public mass shootings—and debunks a popular claim that they haven't increased.