I'm in medical school and have an exam on Monday. I plan on from tomorrow until Saturday studying like the exam is on Sunday, so that on Sunday I can stop and watch the game. Either that or I fail (missing the game = not even close to being an option ever). I'm watching at home with my pops and sisters. I would love to go to a bar and drink but clearly not the best thing to do with a test the next morning. ARRGGGH! Its so frustrating. Sorry to bother you all with it, but I needed to vent to people who clearly understand how big this game is and how annoying the situation is.:jets:
Good news is that the game is at 630. So you're gunna have to cut short the emotions from the game and hit the books again. If it were an 8pm game, you'd be kinda fucked.
Worse: I work Sunday nights starting... this weekend. Really can't afford to miss the first day. Already pissed off.
Thats gonna be close to impossible. I mean, its a midterm so its not super-huge, but its still like a little less than half my grade. Not that it matter, all that matters is passing. I hate how they put my exams on Monday its so stupid. As if med school didn't suck enough, they decided to just f*ck with us and ruin our weekends as well.
Yea I have a dilema but no where near as yours. I go back to college a week before the Super Bowl. Which means I have to use the Colleges TV network which means FUCKING FOX Super Bowl. And FUCKIN FOX's scoreboard IS NOT on the god damn screen. Thank God the Jets were on CBS all season, but if the Jets make the Super Bowl I have to buy an HDTV just for the game. I was planning on getting one anyway but if the Jets win Sunday, I HAVE TO. I need to know the god damn clock time.
You are blaming this problem on the College TV Network, yet buying a new TV would solve your problem? Sounds like you need to hit the "Aspect" button.
I'm not 100% sure if the HD Tv will fix the problem, I remember watch games on FOX on my friends HDTV and the scoreboard was still off the screen. He may not have it formatted tho correctly.
a lot of college tv networks, like in the dorms im assuming, send it out with the aspect ratio all fucked up. just sayin the tv might not fix the problem
Last year I had to go back to school the day of Jets Colts... watched the game on my friends 15 inch tv... miserable game in miserable quality Im goin up to Albany this weekend to party then have to leave early Sunday morning so I can get back home for the Steelers game... 3-4 hour drive kinda annoying. Then I go back to school the next week. Luckily Stony Brook takes me about an hour and twenty minutes to get home so coming home for the superbowl wont be a problem. To summarize all this pointless rambling... its gonna be a pain in the ass to watch the upcoming games
You are a Med school student. You must be really smart. Im sure you've heard your professors tell you that you DO NOT study a day before the exam. The day before the exam (Sunday in this case) HAS to be your rest day. You should do all your studies by Saturday night, and relax on Sunday, then take the exam on Monday. Thats the formula teachers keep on stressing through your time in school. Nobody follows it, but hey, its a blessing in disguise for you. I know you are suppose to relax the day before the exam, and watching Jets playoff game can never be relaxing regardless of the outcome, you still get to take your mind off the books. Either that, or disconnect yourself from the rest of the world from 6pm sunday, until Monday morning, take the exam, come back and watch it. BTW, your exam is more important than the football game. Be realistic. You don't wanna spend an extra year in school just because you want to watch a Jets game live. U can always go back and watch with in 18 hours after it finishes. Job and school always come before a football game. No job = no money = no luxury of watching a football game. We are all die hard fans, but it really doesn't hurt if we have to watch the game a few hours later.
OH MY GOD, MY TEAM IS IN THE AFC CHAMPIONSHIP AND I STILL HAVE TO FIND SOMETHING TO WHINE ABOUT. Really? This was thread worthy? Watch the damn game sober and be glad you didn't die when your sled got hit by a car.
I always find it funny when people WHINE about somebody WHINING. I'm excited about the championship game. I'm just stressed about school too, and I was expressing my frustration. Sorry to waste your precious time.
All very true. However, it would be impossible to disconnect from the world as when I go into the exam I will see all my classmates there and they all know I'm a fan. Also, I just hate doing that. I wouldn't be able to study when the game was going on anyway cuz it would be on my mind. Oh yeah, and the whole "don't study the day before" theory holds true for college, but in med school it doesn't because usually that day is needed due to the massive amount of falling behind that occurs.
^I feel your frustration bro. Im also doing Masters in Accounting while my wife is in med school. Most of my study comes a day before the exam, sometimes hours before the exam. I was just letting you know the 'ideal' strategy, something no one ever tries. Since I do most my study on the last day, I don't think I'd be able to survive by resting on the final day.
You know what would REALLY suck? If you became a doctor and one day some asshole in a bar you were watching the game at had a heart attack. That would be fucking inconvenient.
Imagine if that happens at the two minute warning while the Jets are in the SB. No choice but to serve and honor the 'hippocratic oath'. That would be painful.