America looks more like Ottoman Empire lately. Great country once and on a downward spiral later on. The most successful Otoman Sultan was Suleyman the Magnificient and after him, the new Sultans were idiots like George Bush and Barack Obama and Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton and in the end Ottoman Empire collapsed. We won't see it but if we keep electing dumb presidents, USA will be known as a once a great empire. Where is old great presidents who made America great?
Also, after I saw the pictures of US Soldiers captive, I got mad even as a half American. Can't imagine what a normal American would feel. Shame
In case you missed it, all the really good candidates don't run anymore. Why put yourself and your family through that much shit for a thankless job that really doesn't pay that much.
I would hope we do the same if some random country's navy boats go into our territorial waters... Check out the situation, if harmless, release sailors... This story is already out of the news cycle already.
Sorry, I hadn't seen the released part of the story. Although Iran has released the sailors and ships, it's shit like this that start wars. One trigger happy guy from either side could have been a disaster. I wonder what we gave up behind the scenes to get them all back.
This normal American is relieved we now have somewhat normal relations with our Persian friends and they gave our people back pronto.
Hey deathstar. I like most of your political posts. But on this one, the detail is not in the release. Did you see the video on NY Times?®ion=top-news&WT.nav=top-news It is serviced by Iranian Army. Why this picture? Why not showing soldiers sitting in a chair or any other one. The aim is to belittle soldiers. A very clear message. And my problem is with this picture. Not anything else. If you know Middle East, you know this picture is a big slap to the face. I dare Iran to do this to Israeli soldiers.
Do you know that the only thing not prohibited being traded for with Iran by OFAC sanctions are "floor coverings" Yep. Weird. Until you realize Iranian rugs are actually called Persian rugs. If they were called Iranian rugs they'd never be allowed into the country but apparently the Persian rug lobby is pretty strong. _
Okay Grandpa. Stokes is an illetrate big ugly white but you should know all Iranians are not Persians. Persian is a race. In Iran there are 3 major races. 60% - Persians speaking Farsi 16% - Azeri Turks speaking Turkish 7% - Kurds speaking Kurdish So a Persian rug is a Persian rug not Iranian rug.
B, did you see this movie from Iran? Wild, I liked it. I was surprised that something like it could be from a place like that. Who made it, what were they?
How do you accidentally wander into Iran's national waters on the day of the State of the Union in boats small enough to be captured by Iran's Coast Guard?
and I thank you for that valuable addition to my knowledge base Brook. I've often wondered why the West always lumps Iranians in with the general Arab population when in fact, they are for the most part Persian.