Chad Pennington was finally given his due and was rewarded the worst arm strength in the NFL at an 80. (Brad Smith still has 83 >__>) We're screwed next year as far as Madden goes, the ratings won't change much into next year. A funny tidbit, was it really necessary to get the details right in switching Mike DeVito from 300 pounds to 298 in the update? They don't even have him listed at the right position. Or is it worse that I notice this? Also D-Brick is lowered to an 83 (*cough*bust*cough*notworth4thpick) It was nice to finally see Wallace Wright, Joe Kowaleuski, Kareem Brown, and Jason Trusnik to the game finally. For Wright and the polish one it only took a year and a half >__>
You can get all the roster moves here :
What's the worst is that you let a bunch of geeks' ratings of professional athletes effect how you view a player's overall ability and draft value in real life. Your bracket shows how little you know about O-line play.
Maybe he may not be a stud, but I believe he will be a solid lineman. Calling him a bust is a little harsh IMO, we could have ended up worse off then taking him. Anyway, I did not mean for this thread to take on a D'Brick debating thread, this was meant to talk about the roster update and the Jets......
Bricks not playing up to #4 potential but it isnt the worse thing in the world to have an average LT. He's still growing and as of now he can be your LT for 8 yrs and give you solid play. Not bad
I can't believe the took Shaun Ellis' Bull Rush Option off. Even though he didn't play well this year, but still, they can take it off next years game.
All in All I think (JUST IN TERMS OF THE GAME) we aren't really that bad off. Kenyon Coleman got a nice boost, You have 2 weapon wr's. Harris went up...If it weren't for our crappy oline I might use the jets more online vs. ranked competition...oh well.
is anyone else pissed that aaron ross is just as good as Darelle Revis in the game, i mean i know the giants won the superbowl, but he is nowhere near Revis, did anyone else see him play wes welker??