This time its in Seattle. It seems that if a student isn't getting head from a teaching they're shooting up the place instead these days. Apparently this was the shooter (will remove if false): Jaylen Fryberg @frybergj Follow It won't last.... It'll never last.... 11:17 AM - 23 Oct 2014
Heard it was over being called a racist name and his girlfriend cheating on him with one of his "good friends" - it's all over his twitter account. Could have been avoided.
Yeah but that stuff happened in the beginning of the summer. His Twitter overall is weird. Ima usin Tapatalkie.
Yeah.... Lord knows I took my share of punches to the face. I even got my nose broke in a fight in 7th grade. Think I brought a gun to school? Nope, I just had one of the high school kids in the neighborhood teach me how to throw a good right hook and went back and beat his ass in about 3 weeks.
Smart thing to do here by the media would be to ignore the hour long specials, to prevent any copycats wanting fame as well
I dont even think this has received much attention because maybe its becoming way too common in america people start not paying attention anymore. Ima usin Tapatalkie.
I just don't understand what had changed so much in the last 20 years that this has become a "popular" thing. it's not like we haven't had guns in this country prior to that. so what the fuck is going on?
I found this list of school shootings, the earliest going back to the 1700's. It's from wiki and not all are students shooting other students but there are certainly enough. I think the semi-autos, large capacity clips increase the body count and 24-7 news and twitter coverage makes it seem as if shootings have increased. Really hard to tell since this is not something that has been classified previously so there are no real stats to go off of.
What started is the pussification of our country, we pander to these kids and set them up for failure. We tell them how special they are and treat everybody as winners and when they get into the real world or have to face reality that not every kid gets an award or girls don't think you are special they snap. Dennis Leary said it best, "If life was fair I'd be playing CF for the Boston Red Sox" He went on to also say that "Life sucks, get a fucking helmet" . It's funny but it's so true, life isn't fair and the sooner kids realize it the better off they will be. I taught my son at a young age that people won't always like him even teachers and people he thinks are his friends. I taught him you will fail at many things and the trick is finding something you excel at and sticking with it.
I agree 100 percent. I tell my life is about 20 percent natural talent and 80 percent hardwork. Nobody is going to hand you anything. But you're right, kids these days are so entitled. Hard limits and boudries never hurt a kid. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-N900A using Tapatalk
I wish the media would take the high road and refuse to name or show photos of these shooters. these fuck heads probably fantasize about there names and faces being all over the news when they do this shit.