|newswell|text|Sports|s Way to have no sense of history and no respect for what (perhaps) prior generations of your own family went through. And how much does he make again?
hahah lol, he better hope this doesn't blow up like Bruce Smiths "gotta put food on my table to feed my family" while he holds out for a record deal...
It's the wrong thing to say because hardly anyone studied the slave trade. Americans for the most part have a distorted view of what really happened, so don't expect sympathy. For the most part, Americans have no history books on the slave trade. They just don't know.
I wouldn't say I have a doctorate in the subject, but I took enough European history to know they weren't giving out Nike shoe contracts along the Triangle Trade routes.
Oh spare me your wanna-be-pseudo-intellectual sanctimonious bullshit. I'm glad you're just so fucking eager to chastise Americans for a lack of knowledge about the slave trade but the fact of the matter is that a fucking moron making millions of dollars made a fucking stupid comment. Thats it so shut the fuck up already.
this faggot skipped a few days of training camp, so he could go to his home town, and celebrate "Adrian Peterson Day" what a slave