sup dirtywater i love the work you do for a couple of these sports forums. I was just wondering if there would be any possible way to get a adopt a jet thing going here. I seen your new patriot template and it could probaby easily be adapted for jets... i was just wonderin because i think it would be cool. If it happens i shotgun first pick after you and petrozza of course lol. Think about it bro, thanks very much.
Here is my work-in-progress for the '06 version, I still have plenty of work to do before it is finalized: Let me talk it over with GreenMachine and maybe we can team up and do this. This was the '05 version: You get the idea. But I will say, it is MUCH harder to do here for two reasons... 1. The ratio between members and players and .... 2. The 400x100 sig restrictions.
The new ones look awesome! The restrictions aren't really inforced anymore. I've seen people with really large sigs, regular pictures basically.
Thanks, they're coming along. I too have seen big sigs, but Petro has made multiple threads where he condems 'em, so I don't want to piss him off. They can be done in 400x100, but it is really too small to make 'em great. Who knows, maybe GM and I will give it a go.
An interesting idea. I have to agree with DW that there have to be some restrictions due to the amount of members on the board compared to the amount of players. Maybe a post minimum and/or priority order based on post count.
Sure you can, but remember, these are personalized. Takes time to change the player and member. Not sure if it would work considering the sheer number if sigs total. Also, as a general statement, this was not my idea origianlly. I got it from other forums and also I don't want to be the guy in charge of doing it here, not my place per say. I'd be into collaberatting on it here with GM and/or FITM, but since I am an outsider, it just doesn't seem right for me to run it, if it happens at all.