Not a Q but a comment. Tell him to get Abe out of NY because they lied to him about his contract. I hate to see him go,but when you got people lying to you it's time to move on.
I'll take another tack. Ask him why his player was missing in action during the 2005 playoffs (SD and Pittsburgh) and the 2002 playoffs (OAK), and played every game of the meaningless 2005 season.
He fucked the Jets, so now now the Jets are doing the fucking. Thats the circle of life my friend.........:jets:
I wish he could come to my school. I'd wear one of my Jets jerseys, then I'd tell him how much of an asshole he is.
Yeah ask him why if his client had half the heart Wayne Chrebet he would be the Best DE in the league.
Tell him that Abe should demand to be traded to the Texans and tell him to tell Abe to say he will play for them for free if they trade the #1 pick to the Jets.