now i know this isnt likely to happen but it makes sense to me Jets trade John Abraham and their 4th overall to the Houston Texans and recieve the number 1 overall. With the number 1 the jets either take Reggie Bush or Matt Leinart, get rid of John Abraham to save cap like they want to. JETS GET: rid of Abraham recieve a number 1 overall in which to draft a franchise qb/rb TEXANS GET: John Abraham, hugely needed DBrickishaw Furgeson to protect carrs blindspot just remember, these kinds of things NEVER happen in the NFL anyone find any flaws in this trdae, other than the fact that it wont happen
exactly, I'd do it... its basically John Abraham and D' Brick for Reggie Bush (and they throw in a 3rd)
well...what about Abe and a 2nd for the 1st pick? (period). we'd have busch and whoever we take at 4....idk just a thought....not the best trade ever but eh i'm tired
unrealistic! We get the first pick and their second rounder-crazy! Why would any team give up any more than alow 1st rounder for Abe who has a history of injuries and knowing taht we can't keep him anyway! I could see the #1 pick for Abe and #4.
ummm, you even said it your self these type of things never happen in the nfl so why post it in its own thread???
a) I'm sure that a deal would include assurances that Abraham would sign in Houston. b) We would be getting hosed in this deal. Abraham is the key to our defense, and whether you like him or not it's impossible to deny that he is a top 10 defensive end in the NFL. To give our franchise defensive player and a franchise QB/LT up for Reggie Bush would be criminal.
Thats stupid to give all that away only to move up a few spots. We dont need Reggie Bush that bad even though hes nasty and hes a once and a life time chance are Runningbacks are fine but I say we should draft one with a 2nd or 3rd rouder or pick one up with another 1st rounder we get for abe.