Yea the govt isnt coming for my guns. Slowly chipping away at the 2nd amendment and once Hillary is elected gun ownership as we know it in America will come to an end.
Check out this bullshit. Feb supports this because he hates guns, gun owners, and the 2nd amendment. I would like to see the look on this judges face when he is told that his armed security guards arent allowed to conceal carry. Oh wait, politicians can do whatever they want in this liberal commie run police state. We are simple serfs who have no common rights anymore because of an overbearing federal govt, something that the founders warned us about and once the 2nd amendment is taken away by the liberals there will be nothing left to stop the govt. "We hold that the Second Amendment does not preserve or protect a right of a member of the general public to carry concealed firearms in public," Circuit Judge William A. Fletcher wrote for the majority.
Most states have laws against this, so its nothing new. Doesnt mean theyre coming for your guns. This was never a thing here in jersey period. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
yea, they will not come for our guns,that will never happen. but the plan is to make it harder and harder to obtain them legally.
yea maybe I was a little over the top with it but I do think that later on they will make it harder to own them after purchased.
that too. new york and Connecticut prime examples. guns that were legally bought became illegal with a stroke of a pen. law abiding citizens became felons overnight
True. It's really not safe to leave your home without your 9mm. America is practically a war zone like the Middle East afterall. You might as well start doomsday prepping now Husker, since the government is 'coming for your guns.' What's next?!
I dont necessarily disagree that the second amendment doesnt permit the right to conceal. I do however think it does protect the right to carry. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
The whole concealed vs. open carry thing is weird across the states. Many only allow open and many only allow concealed. To me, it seems safer to carry concealed. Every once and a while you hear about someone open carrying get their gun taken right out of their holster by someone who catches them off guard. It also makes some people feel uneasy when they see someone who isn't in uniform with a gun on their hip. Of course bad guys concealing guns is scary, but they aren't going to follow the rules anyway.
I tell you, first time i went to vegas it was a culture shock. I truly felt like i was in the wild west. People carry openly there. And of course you can get pretty much any gun there. Rent w cops carry, transit security carry, regular people carry. Very different than over here. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Vegas also has a 59% higher crime rate compared to the average. I lived in Vegas for 2 years, and I saw some crazzzzzy shit lol.
I absolutely believe that. I saw enough idiots when i was there. I ventured into north las vegas as well, sooooo yeah. Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
I lived on the West side, pretty far from the strip, and within 2 months of living there I saw a high speed chase on my street, with helicopters and all (mind you, I was in a suburb with nice houses) and a shootout where a man barricaded himself in a house(not his house) about 3 houses down from me, shot a cop and got taken out