Kyle Williams probably hasn't been opening much of his mail recently. The 49ers receiver who had the disastrous NFC championship game has probably seen and heard quite enough from the general public for now. Death threats as a response to football mistakes can probably make a man shy. There's at least one letter I hope he got, though. Ben Mankiewicz at The Huffington Post passes along a letter written to Williams by his friend's little boy: a 7-year-old named Owen. Owen loves his 49ers and was as crestfallen as any other Niners fan when the Giants pulled out the overtime victory. Here's Owen's story, from Mankiewicz: He was crying, saying of Kyle Williams, with the distinct sobs of a seven-year-old between each word, "But... why... did he... have to... fumble?" [...] Trying to get his son to stop crying, Michael asked him, "If you feel this way, how sad do you think Kyle Williams is?" Owen paused a second, then asked his dad, "Can I write him a letter to make him feel better?" Here's that letter: Letter to Kyle Williams All together now: Awwwww. Here's the full text (and yes, it's unedited for grammar and spelling, but this kid is 7 ‒ the Twitter lynch mob has no such excuse): Dear Mr. Williams: We just watched the Playoff game. I feel really bad for you but I wanted to tell you that you had a great season. you sould be very proud, so I wanted to say thank you. I am your #1 FAN! Owen Shure Los Angeles, CA p.s. your awsome All it took to transform sobbing, frustrated anger into human compassion is one thoughtful question from a concerned father. I love that. It's human nature to get angry when things don't go our way; everyone does. But as evolved humans, we learn to get past that, and quickly move on to understanding, patience and basic respect for our fellow man. Owen just learned that lesson at age 7. As Twitter showed us after the Kyle Williams incident, a lot of people still haven't. Maybe this letter can teach them. Pretty Cool Story. Thought It deserved a thread of it's on.
Thats Funny. But in reality, imagine if you screwed up at your job, and you started getting death threats. Noone is perfect, although I will admit, he gets paid big money to play a kids game. It should have been held on to, but still, it's not worth the death threats.
I wrote him a letter too. Dear Kyle, The results of that game are inconsequential. We will all be dead one day, and our civilizations will crumble to dust. Our very planet's orbit will eventually decay, slowly and inexorably spinning us into The Sun's radioactive oblivion. Any evidence that Earth and it's people ever existed will be erased, as we plunge into the silent void of nothingness. Your #1 Fan, $cruggz That should make him feel better.
Actually won't our sun go all supernova on us before that happens and engulf the Earth in its fiery hate? Eh, no matter. Oblivion is oblivion.
When Kyle Williams feels down, he watches game tape of Billy Cundiff and all is well with the world again.
Poor guy.. I feel sorry for him. It was just a game anyway and the 49ers lost it, not him personally. Those animals need to chill. I mean its just the 49ers anyway, had it been the Jets.. I'd Kill that son of a bitch!!
Sanchez had part in costing the team a 2011 playoff berth. The defense cost us two championships. But go on with your non-football-knowin' self.