Screw all you SOJ fans. We are coming out of the gate fired up. Sanchez will get our O together, and our D is going to step it up. This team is the real deal.
Fuck you faggot. We came out still looking like ass and our fucking defense can't get a fucking stop. I'm not a 'SOJ' fan but the way we've played tonight we should be fucking ashamed of ourselves, players and coaches included. We should be allowed to fucking pine over the horrible shit we've had to watch tonight. All this fucking hype leading up to this game and we go out there and allow the Patriots to turn us into their whipping boys. Putrid fucking performance. Even if we win out the rest of our games, the taste of how poorly we've played tonight so far will be a feeling that I'll never be able to shake off. Our only consolation is if we make it to the playoffs and play the Pats at Foxboro and beat them, but should it be the case that we have to face them in Foxboro I doubt we come away with a W. God fuck meeeeeeeee.
I wonder when the "positive" fans will realize that they're just as delusional as the "negative" fans they profess to hate. At least negative guys put the blame where it belongs after a loss. As if losing this game isn't bad enough now we'll have to put up with a week of self righteous douches telling people they aren't real fans if they dare to post or think a negative thought after this abomination of a game.
There's a difference between being positive and being fucking stupid. The team embarassed themselves tonight. All of them. All the coaches, all the players. Even the one guy who's been playing well (Holmes) is doing his stupid first down celebration down 21 pts in the second half.
There is a bright spot tonight. If the Patriots came out roaring after getting smoked by Cleveland, perhaps Rex can do the same for this bunch of chokers.
We've still managed to score only 3 fucking points on this fucking patriots defense. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
NE is obviously not this much better than us, we just gave up. And like the Dbags they are they are running up the score.