I want to thank all the GMs for their excellent participation, I had a lot of fun. GMs with an excellent rep, have been assigned teams for the 7 Round Mock in late March. Check thread: http://forums.theganggreen.com/showthread.php?t=64468 Congrats to TheCoolerGlennFoley for being chosen to be the Jet's GM in March. TCGF has been around a long time and hasn't had the opportunity to be the Jet's GM in past mocks. It is difficult to become a GM and stay a GM. I have to make tough decisions on who stays or leaves the mock. I will only limit the mock to about 20 Gms, I don't want it watered down with weaker GMs that don't care. I have to give special consideration to the Vets that have been around for years. I have a small (2 or 3)waitlist, if someone drops out. Best way for newbies to enter next year's mock, participate regularly in this draft forum and be a member in good standing.....no bannings etc. Be around during our mocks to get to know the process.