[size=+1]2014 TGG 3 ROUND MOCK DRAFT RULES[/size] [size=+1]START TIME & DATE - Monday, Feb 10th, 2014 3 P.M. EST[/size] [size=+1]ONCE THE DRAFT STARTS DO NOT MENTION ANY UNDRAFTED PLAYERS!!![/size] MAKE SELECTION IN "SELECTIONS ONLY THREAD". Guy's there was too much talk and explanations in the selection thread, in the 7 Rd Mock last April....Name, Position, College.....PM next GM. That's it! It makes it much easier for me to update when, I don't have to read a bunch of sentences to get to the pick. Use the discussion thread. I will set up a thread for players selected by team, it will help to see how each GM is currently doing. THE RULES: *DON'T DISCUSS UNDRAFTED PLAYERS 1. Between the Hours of 3 PM and 12 MIDNITE each GM has up to 2 hours to submit his pick, but that does not mean he has to take all 2 hours ... the faster you can make the pick, the sooner we can keep the process moving. GMs can draft when the Clock is off...Midnight to 3 PM. 2. The clock stops at 12 MIDNITE and restarts again at 3 PM, so if you go OTC at oh say, 11 PM, you will have until 4 PM the next day to submit your pick, that would equal TWO hours in total when the clock is active. Again, please try not to max out your time, let's keep the draft moving. 3. You may continue to submit picks after 12 MIDNITE, that just means the clock is inactive, but you may continue to submit picks if it's your turn and you're still awake ... in fact, please do! 4. If your pick is approaching and you realize you may not be available to make the pick in a timely fashion, or make the pick at all, it is your responsability to find a poster you can rely on to submit the pick on your behalf ... you can either send him your picks via PM or simply allow him to make the choice as he sees fit, but the responsability is YOURS. WW85, JOHNNYTHAJET & LAXIN have all helped in taking GM's boards. It won't hurt to PM all of them your board. Make sure you have enough players ranked in order for the amount of picks are from your selection. 5. If you miss a pick, I will PM you and try to find out the circumstances. Missing picks puts you in Jeopardy of not participating in another TGG Mock. Multiple missed picks could result in replacement. 6. Newbies don't get a second chance ... you have to prove you can be trusted to keep the committment because right now it's a guessing game ... so one missed pick and YOU'RE OUT. If you think you're not going to be on-line, PM your Board. 7. As Commish I reserve the right to change rules at a moment's notice. 8. Let's keep it fun ... we're all adults here, we know where the line is crossed between good natured ribbing and mean-spirited personal attacks .. a little trash talk is fine, but personal attacks will not be tolerated 9. Make sure your PM's are activated and your mailbox is not maxed out so we can alert you when you go OTC. Make sure you check your PM box, a few GMs ignored their box in RD 7. You can set-up your box to get E-Mail alerts. 10. After you submit your pick, please post an OTC for the following GM/Team and PM that GM an OTC alert as well ... DO NOT wait for someone else to do it .. this is by far the most important rule in regards to keeping the draft moving at a steady pace and every GM must comply 11. If the clock expires on a GM, the first MOCK GM to submit a pick for that team stands, but you cannot submit a pick for that team if your own selection is one of the proceeding five picks. I will find a few sub GM's on a waitlist that can make picks if they are available. 12. NO TRADES 13. If you are on the board when you are OTC, and you split without submitting your pick, clock or no clock that could be grounds for immediate dismissal. 14. All GMs must have their 'Handle" (Poster Name) not in the invisible mode. I need to see if you are on-line. 15. Once the draft starts...I will not adjust the draft order if teams make trades in real life. 16. Any Questions...please send me a PM (Private Message)....Thanks WW85 Lets' have a great Time!!