Fellow GM's! After a brief discussion with Johnny we are going to put up a list of who's boards are in. That makes this a place for him (or laxin) to let you know who sent in a board so your not waiting around wondering. An Example: Harpua's round one Browns and Bill's boards are in. Now you would know that even if I'm not online, the picks will be made with no waiting. Will a mod please sticky this! Thanks. I have a board for the Vikings first round picks Ty bakermaker
And remember guys, after the 1st round boards are required to be PM'd. If not the three strike rule comes into effect, so please PM the boards, even if you "know" you'll be here.
I'm skipping round 2 PMs b/c I have no picks, but fully intend to have my round 3s in with plenty of time.
Sent off my bills board for round two. Has enough players that is some how all 17 of the top guys on it are gone one should be left lol.
I have WWs round three board for both teams. CleveSteves Chiefs and Raiders board Ajax's Dallas Board And Harpuas Bills and Browns board