And honestly, the team is just bad. YET ANOTHER wasted effort by Pettitte and he gets pegged with the loss because the "Greatest lineup in baseball" can only muster up 2 runs? Look, nothing against Perez, but do the Yankees not make decent starting pitchers look like Aces? Horacio Ramirez last week? Abreu? Should I even bother? But Robby Cano, my boy...Where is it? Paul O'Neil said this past week on YES that the team just doesn't seem to care when they lose, just hang the head and that's it...The effort shown by Abreu and Cano has been so lackluster that i'm befuddled. 4 games under .500, 10 games behind Boston... I saw George tonight at Legends, just watching Clemens...And honestly, if Torre still has his job by next week while the team is losing, then their is a serious problem with the Yankees. Torre has got a week, granit, I would of done this over a week ago...But if the Yanks are still scrambling and Boston keeps widening the gap... Ya simply have to fire Torre.
Show me where I compared them. Perez is decent...Ramirez is garbage. And yet the Yankees manage to make them look like Aces.
Just where exactly is this team going? Boston pulling away...Cleveland/Detroit jockeying for the Wild Card early. This team just looks dead, and at this point i'm not going to buy the "They start slow, and so does Mariano." How much longer can they be "slow" until Boston is a full 15 games ahead? It's just a broken record with this team, the bad thing is it isn't just one area for concern. It's the pitching, bats, bullpen, defense, and oh yes, our Manager.
the personel is there. There are plenty of bats to get it done. The pitching has been more than fine. so what exactly is the problem? I just don't get it. Is there unhappyness in the clubhouse? Are they trying to get Joe fired? Something is just internally wrong.
From a Mets fan POV I really think that it's finally time for a change in who runs the clubhouse over in the Bronx. The team just doesn't seem to play with the fire under their ass that most winning teams do, and Torre's laid back style isn't going to be what gets them to start playing like that. Torre was great back when he had guys like Paul O'Neil who would do this for him and played with that intensity to set an example, but it's been sorely lacking the past few seasons with this season being the low point by far. In all honesty I think they need someone like Pinella there to do that for them because their clubhouse isn't built with anyone really like that within it. Sure, it's not Torre's fault that there were early injuries and such, but the bats just shouldn't collectively be this lifeless. It seems to be mental and it all starts with him. interesting article, about how torre doesn't fit with the new team. also, interesting for the suggested replacement.... bobby v
Valentine would be fine but he has way too much clout in Japan to ever want to come back to this mess. They do need somebody with fire though if only as an interim manager to get them going. Most of us said weeks ago that Torre should have been fired then, along with Cashman. This is of his making too. It may be too late now for it to do any good. The real problem is now they are going to pay Clemens 18 million for what?
Sheffield thinks that's a big issue: Interesting comment. Although, I think I have a real problem with a guy hitting .238 offering his opinion about a guy hitting .237.
am also a met fan, and it has a lot to do with the manager and his laid back approach, but it also has alot to do with players just getting to comfortable, and just getting old quick. thye dont look like they enjoy the game anynmore, just going through the motins
We can't hit, it's amazing w/ the lineup we ave that we can't score runs. jeter and Posada are the only 2 hitting, ARod haas reverted back to his normal self and we can only hope he opts out after the season, Giambi an Matsui hit now and then, Cano stinks right now, Damon is lost, Abreu is embarrasing to watch. What can we do? we are getting well pitched games and cannot win.
Just a little piece of what might be going on in the clubhouse. On Mike and Mike the other day,Damon was quoted as saying "Boston is now uncatchable".
What happened to "We have the best team."....? The team is just an average club, although their record would indicate a below-average club.
Well, you can't win forever. If the Yanks have to go down, personally, I'd rather see it happen early in the season. I think the worst thing that could happen is what used to happen in the 80s, they'd be competitive until late in the season, and then end up trading Al Leiter for Jesse Barfield, or Jay Buhner for Ken Phelps. Just need one more bat. This keeps up for another couple of weeks they can kiss off the season and not lose the young talent thats in the farm system. Reload for the future.
Perez is more inconsistent then decent, and he's unhittable when he's on, by awful when he's off (7 walks in like 3 innings earlier this year?). I think the Yankees need to be patient with this team and keep trust in it. Pettite-Wang-Mussina-Clemens-Hughes can be a pretty damn good rotation come June and July, and guys like Abreu will come around with patience. I do agree though, no matter what the result is Joe needs to go, and maybe Cashman too. Also, getting younger would definitely help the injury problem and get a few major egos off this team, but taking 2 or 3 years off to rebuild may upset a New York fan (although us Met fans were exciting throughout watching kids like Reyes and Wright grow up). It'll be interesting to see how they go...
If you're going to quote 7 walks and 3 bad innings how can you not bring up the other 46 innings when he's only given up 9 walks and for the most part been awesome. I realize his past but he's been really good this season. 2 bad outings out of 8 is pretty damn good.
I think that all he was trying to say is that Perez is horrid when he's off, but looks ace-like whoen he's on. Honestly, if you take out the 2 worst innings from his 2 worst starts, he's been phenominal overall. His walks are way down from last season. Having 2 great starts in a row is a good sign that hopefully he'll be able to pitch well even when he doesn't have his best stuff (he certainly didn't yesterday for the most part).