Separate names with a comma.
Elam as our kicker? I think you're confused...Abram Elam is our starting Safety while Jason Elam is the place kicker for the Falcons. I think...
Keller looks like another freak of an athlete (just like Gholston)... the NEW JETS are FAST & STRONG!
ESPN really seems to be slacking today... I'm not impressed
you've got to think the Giants are going to be tempted to grab one the WR that are falling...
I think we should go WR or CB in the 2nd; maybe Flowers @ CB or Thomas or Sweed @ WR fall to us?
Any way it goes we're going to be in a great position to draft a great player we could use (DMAC, Gholston, Long) or trade our pick to a team that...
Drafting for Present & Future I tend to agree with you that RB isn't our biggest need but if DMAC is there @ 6 can we pass his potential up? Not...
I like Clady... but not @ 6! If we really want him we should trade down considering Long, Dorsey, McFadden, Gholsten, or Ryan will be there for...
it's sad but true that the draft is one of the most exciting days to be a JETS fan... hopefully we can change that!
Ya "stink" as does make a point! As much as I'm bothered that writers keep trashing on the Jets for dropping a lot of money the reality is that...