Separate names with a comma.
Im a bills fan but Im not going to come in here and talk a bunch of crap....frankly I dont think our team has earned that.....but a couple of...
Once again I ask....why are my fellow bills fans on a jets board talking up our team? - We lost to the jets TWICE last year - There is not a...
As a Bills fan I just dont understand the coming over here and doing this crap.....while I think the bills defensive line is going to make us much...
As a bills fan always drives me nuts when we thump our chest in the offseason - we have not made the playoffs in over TEN YEARS I...
I find it interesting that as much as people are complaining about a "bills troll invasion" I offered a post of good will and got 2 word responses...
Hello jets fans, Been trying to avoid posting on opposing teams boards just because our team is winning this year...... First.....congrats...