Separate names with a comma.
The only reason: Jets suck. Get over it.
lol. Jets, bunch of pretenders.
I suppose it's now a: Dear NFL, We signed Brett Favre, the savior, how are we not in the playoffs? We beat the best team in the league. We...
more homosexual references...tsk tsk, so sad.
of course you would...I expect nothing else from a shit bag Jets fan.
In case you forgot Titans: Playoffs CLINCHED home field CLINCHED best record in the league FACT beat team in the league FACT Record 12 -...
No, I wouldn't be caught dead supporting a pathetic bunch like you sore losers. Karma is a bitch isn't it? lol, you guys have an obsession...
Funny, we have home field advantage right now. You lost to... Oakland 49ers New England San Diego Denver And outside of the playoffs.
You sir, speak the truth. Kudos.
Dear Ed Hochuli, I am a fair weather Jets fan, who when we are winning I love the team, when we are losing I prefer the much better New York...
guess all that shit talk on the titans board is making you a bit embarrassed. All that playoff talk. tsk tsk.
Couldn't happen to a better bunch of fans :rolleyes:
So does the excuse fly for the Titans last week? Or do you just use the 6 new starters excuse?