Separate names with a comma.
Good call! I think this is for the best and I'll do all I can to make you proud, Royal Tee!
I hope Revis gets hurt. Hate that greedy bastard!
good Lord---that Kate Upton pic is insane!!! But I agree with pretty much everyone on this forum. Dirty Sanchez has GOT TO GO!
I WANT JOHNNY-JET-FOOTBALL!!!! He will be the next Brett Favre and if he's a out ladies working for the team!!!
yawn...that's my feelings towards your crazy long post, playa!
ahhhh---i miss hockey already...damn this friggin year is going by too damn fast! THANK GOD FOR FOOTBALL THOOOUUUGHHHH!!
WHAT UP!!!! I'm a big Jets fan and ready for this season!!! GO BIG GREEN!!!
Damn---that's one helleva narrative! Well played, Sir and you're a TRUE FAN!
In the humble words of Bart Scott..."CAN'T WAIT!!!!" for this season and the drama that ensues, baby!!!!
Everyone just take it eaassssssssyyyy!!! This kid is hot garbage!
In the humble words of Bart Scott..."CAN'T WAIT!!!!"
Whatever, T-Cup! LT should just stop Hatin'!!!