Separate names with a comma.
Maybe he should start this era by watching more videos....
I take it that by the reference to "nutjobs" and "dillusional rants." you are including yourself in that blanket statement. Just look at your post...
Ah yes, you have thrown in a little set theory from Boolean Algebra. Your example sets do not overlap. Look, your comrade in arms (C_C) claims...
No, that statement was in response to all who were saying that nobody wants him. Until an official statement comes out of the Jets FO, they own...
Did you watch all of the Denver games in 2011 or are you basing you statements on hearsay from ESPN and Nay-sayers that bounced over from the...
Careful now, stats are only stats as far as the statistician is concerned. As one who was forced to take many statistics courses solely to keep...
I'm going to make the assumption that the "USC" in your account name stands for Southern Cal and not South Carolina. Now to debunk your first...
Grasshopper, you know nothing of what you speak. Since you brought up the subject of other universities and included Ohio State, let me expound...
Maybe it does but for me I could give a rats behind who else is on the Tebow bandwagon. Am I religious, yes and no. I can count the number of...
There is no hero worship from those of us who joined this forum to watch Tim's career. Most of us, myself included are U of F alumni and would...
If this is all that you gleaned out of the four paragraphs that you responded to then you have truly picked an appropriate avatar. The butts in...
So by your standards then does that mean that all losses are a team effort? I watched the Thanksgiving 2012 game and did not see where the "Team"...
Like Cowboysfan, I have never said that he is a great player, only that he has upward potential. Which whole season was that? He didn't start...
While you were watching Sanchez start his downward spiral in 2011, I was watching Tim in Denver. So I cannot compare the two. However in 2012 you...
You do realize that yours fizzled out long before your 15 minutes were up. You constantly bombard us with the same tired statements, you sidestep...
Do you realize that if you made that statement into a "smilie" you could cut your typing in this forum by 100% :)
He made "the" read quite well as his college statistics show.
Posts and even threads mysteriously disappear from this forum on a daily basis. Post counts also tend to decline in numbers when that happens. If...
I have never stated that I am a "Tebow worshiper", those are your words. This has all been debated over in Tebowmania, I was just adding my $.02...
I've seen a lot of football in my 68 years, both college and NFL. Though there are many instances of disappointment, for the pure visual effect my...