Separate names with a comma.
Denver v Pitt playoff game on nfl network right now.
You douchebags are weak....Tebow just owned that press conference and all you guys can talk about is homo jokes and Jesus freak crap. That was a...
I do like the J E T S JETSJETSJETS! Chant :metal:
I'm sure he will. New team, new system....he probably will struggle.
Spin it any way you want....they were Broncos fans chanting his name, not Tebow fans following him around the country. It's going to be fun...
Even though I support Tebow, McElroy is someone that I feel is very under-rated. He has that cocky attitude that makes you want to slap him, but...
Tebow will improve his mechanics and look like a much more viable option as the starter than anyone could have imagined, but rightfully so,...
The funny thing is, it won't be the Tebowmaniacs that call for Sanchezs head, it will be the Jets fans that have been going to games for years....
:wink: 10char
Ahhhh, thanks. So why do I have 500 and others have 350 or even 25? How do you get, give, or take away this inter web street cred?
This is a bit off topic, but what the hell is vCash? LOL
Its OK to agree to disagree, 9798 has his opinion. No biggie.
If you think 1st year QBs having the success Cam did is the norm then Ive got some beach front property to sell you in Tennessee.
We will see.
I think it is widely understood that Tebow has never had an offseason to work on his game. Not only that, he was pushed to the side and forgotten...
Go look up Joe Namaths completion percentages in his first 16 games. Or Terry Bradshaws. Tebow has 1 year under his belt and for some reason he...
Nobody is unstoppable....if you're going to take me that literally let me just rephrase that to: really freaking hard to stop.
Show me anywhere that I said he had good mechanics and I'll personally blow sunshine up your ass for your pleasure. I watched every snap of his...
LOL. If you believe every douchenozzle that writes an article, especially with unnamed sources, this is going to be a very interesting season for you!
Agreed. Tebow needs to improve a lot. No doubt about it. However, he's not the lost hope that some make him out to be. He can succeed in this league.