Separate names with a comma.
I always root for them to win, BUT I know this team is dogshit and that they only beat a worse dogshit team.
Jacksonville's defense is pretty terrible, I had a feeling the Jets would have a good day. Now defense will need to make a play to end the game.
Hard to kick a ball worse than that.
I think he may be a little short.
What an annoying ass game.
He's Woody's version of Steve Mills.
AFC South sucks. Jets might end up sweeping that whole division.
Yeah, I wonder what they do at practice. It's definitely not practicing.
Outstanding playcalling on that drive. -_-
Texans are definitely frauds. I don't think the Jets look amazing tonight, but it looks like we're about to have the lead after playing like...
They legitimately picked on Gardener that whole drive. Insane.
Gotta bench the kid the rest of the game.
You'd be correct.
I think the Jets can win this one. Texans are not impressive at all.
I'm watching and honestly I think we have a good chance of winning. Even though I do think this team is full of underachievers, the Texans have a...
Alright, crisis averted. Time to put the pressure on the Pats.
Ah that's even worse.
Greg is no longer The Leg
It was so dumb not to go for it. Now they're down 7-0.
Yeah, things have changed. They've gotten worse.