Separate names with a comma.
Karma Stevie, karama
While Sanchez may very well be a minor part of the problem, I feel the Jets defense played well enough against the bite of the Patriots offense....
Did you even watch the rest of game?
That's New York Jets football....
Wish the announcers would stop sucking Brady and companies dick, how about recognizing the 'mental errors' of the Pats instead of constantly...
Was going to add a typical complaint about another one of those spectacular 3-point failing drives but Eric Smith and Santonio had other things to...
Need to get passing in order to attempt to open up the run game, we all know how Pitt plays the run on defense. Sanchez is going to be truly...
Please end this jets
LETS DO THIS!!! Upset of the DECADE
Please jets, WECAN DO THIS!!! LT AND GREENE SANCHIZE, you live for this. Watch the onside, they knw folk can't make anything.
PLEASE, any divine, holy presence who has even an INKLING for the jets, let Revis be okay and let this 4th down attempt bite them in the ass...
Two fumble's would've been amazing...we can still do this, gotta stop them here...
Don't like this...not at all...need some momentum here or things could get ugly =[
This is not good, unless the offense can respond quickly...this is a bad drive...
Cromartie...YOUR'RE KILLING ME! Wow that dude comes way too close to those balls, gonna bite him one of these days.
SIGN THIS GUY PLEASE!!!! Can't let them get any points off this quick drive now
Coleman shows up! Thanks for playing dude! Now lets get some plays, at least get down for a field those pat fans that this won't be easy!
Shooting ourselves in the foot...can't let the Ratpats come and score a TD here...
I hope they don't plan to use that look further, would've been a bit more strategic to hide it until needed...lets keep this drive alive though, 5...
That lack of touchdown is going to really hamper this first half, need some brains and balls from Schotty and Sanchos on this drive please.