Separate names with a comma.
Doesn't matter who our OC is, HC, DC. It's like we have ghosts hanging out at Jets HQ. They posses whoever we bring in to run the stinking dinkin...
Adams with the pop on the entire play. That kid can hit but he needs to be careful he doesn't start taking out his own guys.
Ah, looks like its gonna be that kinda Jets game..
Nice trackdown by Adams there
Alright here we go, roll out on the first play.. What? WHAT! sigh.. ok, so it's going to be that kind of night.... alright, ok.. this is just...
and another INT. I'm just stunned at this. They really need to sit Stafford down and let him rest up for next week.
That's what I meant and I've stuck em out. It feels really nice to be on this side of one of these for once.
When was the last time a Jet game was over and done with more than 10 minutes left in the 4th? I'm just listening at this point. Seems like the z...
RUN IT UP *clap clap clap* RUN IT UP *clap clap clap*
Oh man, OH MAN. Detroit Dismantled Devastated, Disheveled and Destroyed. muwaa haa haaaaaa.
Run. it. up clap clap clap...... Run.. it. up. clap clap clap
Lee, where you been son? Nice to see ya!
Alright, kid just be cool, don't need any super heroics now.
There is no waking up we're riding this train all the way to the end of the line!!!!!!!!! *double dance*
OMG WHAT THE FUCK AM I SEEING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ANOTHER INT!!!!!!!!!! BY LEE!!!!!!!!!!
Punt return TD, Pick 6, 3 INTs. HOLY SHIT.... *dance*
OH - Snap.. 3 ints and a pick six. WTF am I watching. Is this reality?
Bad job D, Det cake walked that down the field for the score.
Make a nice play and fuck it up immediately. Good job Nickerson.. smh