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Oct 20, 2023 at 11:17 PM
Aug 27, 2002
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Mar 8, 1988 (Age: 36)
Home Page:
Right behind you

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haz chilens?, 36, from Right behind you

Jetfanmack was last seen:
Oct 20, 2023
    1. CurbYourEnthusiasm
      Hey Mack, how do I change my username handle. 'Markymark' blows. Do I just contact you with a new one?
    2. Run_N_gun10
      What happened to thread I posted ???
    3. laxin
      Can you empty you PM box so I can contact you for the draft?
    4. Al Dorow
      Al Dorow
      Can you explain WHY the "Belicheat" thread was closed? That is a very good debate topic.
    5. Run_N_gun10
      I would like to know why my WR thread I started was not only removed, but has vanished ???
    6. Run_N_gun10
      Who moved my thread ?? And Why ???
    7. Awesomo 3000
      Awesomo 3000
    8. thirtyoddfreestyle
      Dear sir. I apologize for my inappropriate comments after a lack luster performance. Please forgive me as I let my profound passion overwhelm my sense of reasoning. I have been a poster on this board since before the new format came in over a decade ago. I did not berate any other user or use profanity. Please please, cut me some slack I beg you

      Long time greenblood

      Thank you
    9. Run_N_gun10
      Hi...Can u please get Abyzmul outta my post. He's like a lil pest. If he's not talking football...please don't allow him to keep saying bull shit. Its not right !!!
    10. TebowTrollCoach
      Hey there Mr. Jetfanmack, I was told by this very nice member to ask you or Cman55 for assistance...:Quote:
      Originally Posted by Cakes View Post
      CMan55 or Jetfanmack can change your name. You want something more apropos? Go with JetsFanSince3/21/12

      I don't mind JetsFanSince3/21/12 . CSASON would be better, and if you want to send me to stupid hell for a while, that's ok too.. Great site, you truly have loyal Jets fans here, that's for sure.

      Regards, Iwas wondering if you had *fund raisers* or a donate button, and I can see two posts down that you do.

      I can do that part, np.
    11. Run_N_gun10
      How do I change poll closing date on thread....."Jets assessment" ? I would like to leave it open, i misclicked on length. I would like no closing date to poll....Can u change that please.
    12. Cman69
      Hey Mack, I posted my usual fund driving thread in the main forum. Could you make it a sticky? Hopefully, folks will contribute like they did last year..

    13. MBGreen
      Stop trolling every thread you participate in, Al....and you won't get banned. Simple solution to a simple problem.
    14. Al Dorow
      Al Dorow
      Jetsfanmac...who do I need to talk to about the harrassment I've been taking from MBGREEN. He misuses his power to ban me at every chance he gets. I know he's your friend, but I'm hoping that you are an IMPARTIAL moderator. He bans me for any little infraction. What is my recourse?
    15. joeklecko
      I've just recently begun posting here again, and can't does one bold, italicize, or otherwise emphasize text. I don't see any option for that.

      Thanks in advance for your help!
    16. Cman69
      Hey Mack, can you change my handle from "road warrior" to "Old School" ?

    17. BScottFTW
      Hey man, I want to get the word out about the t-shirt I created for Mr. Scott. I don't want to violate forum rules though. But I know everybody loves the "can't wait" quote. Thoughts?
    18. Run_N_gun10
      You've gone too far....Did u change my thread title ?
    19. MBGreen
      LOL @ bassman.
    20. bassman
      In the thread "Jets Looking Less Awsome" some guy decided it was OK to call me an idiot for disliking one team over another. Is it necessary and is it tolerable?
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    Mar 8, 1988 (Age: 36)
    Home Page:
    Right behind you
    Sports, poker, music.
