Hello, my name is Brett Favre and I'm a

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Oct 26, 2008.

  1. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    If there is no reason to be risky, why are we running the spread with no running back, no intention of running the ball when we were up and driving in and again in the situation with Coles?

    Favre has outright sucked but he is clearly hurt and our O is lined up with no option to protect or run in situations where we have options to either run or pass based on the game situations.
  2. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Again, did you completely ignore the fact the defender's back was turned to the ball? Meaning, worst case, an incomplete pass? So again, how is that a bad risk? I can't believe your even comparing that throw to the one in the playoffs last year. It wasn't a stupid pass. The ONLY person who was catching that ball was Coles. If he couldn't make the play, it hits the ground. End of story. There was ZERO risk in the way of a turnover on that pass.

    Explain to me again how when the worst case is a incomplete pass, that it is indeed a horrible decision and a bad risk? There really wasn't a risk involved. It's either complete, or on the ground. Defender had litterally no shot at that ball the way he was playing Coles.

    The int in the playoffs last year is a totally different story. Not only was driver the only person with any sort of coverage on him, h e threw it behind driver who was open towards the sidelines right to the defender. This behind throw in this game was TOO the sidelines, away from the defender. Two completely different passes in two completely difference scenarios.
  3. BakerMaker

    BakerMaker Well-Known Member

    Sep 17, 2006
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    Drew Coleman had the same thing for us too though.

    Sloppy game all around, just need to bring an A game at Buffalo because Marshawn Lynch is a filthy beast.
  4. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    go ahead and crown his ass
  5. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    Were lucky one of the Chiefs dropped a would be pick6
  6. Jtuds

    Jtuds Active Member

    Dec 5, 2004
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    I agree LTJF. It is unfathomable to me that the best thing to do when noone is open and the pocket is collapsing is throw the ball as far as you can.
  7. OhioJetsFan

    OhioJetsFan Member

    Aug 27, 2005
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    Pack was in the Super Bowl last year? (Hmmm... you edited your mistake while I was posting.) Anyway, funny to hear someone rationalize good vs. bad INTs. Get your head out of Favre's butt for a change.
  8. Steve032

    Steve032 New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    Are you high? Watch the pass again, if the defender turned around before Coles, thats pick #4. The "risky" plays led to 3 int. that's much more "bad" than "good."
  9. typeOnegative13NY

    typeOnegative13NY Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2003
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    As far as i am concerned,Leon Washington bailed out the sorry play of Favre today.
  10. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Another thing no one is taking into account: Favre is getting hit. A lot. And not just the "oh I bumped you and you fell because you threw off the back foot", but litterally getting layed out. Not just one time a game, but several times over the course of what seems like every game. Today was the 5th time this season I can recall favre getting up off the ground holding his throwing arm.

    Obviously, he isn't hurt to the point where he is unable to play, or to the point that any other QB is better on the roster then him, but he is getting hit way too much. The few plays he has a lot of time doesn't make up for allt he plays he is getting hit.

    The guy is 39 - He's a warrior, but even the best warriors in history fall at some point. Favre simply cannot be taking that sort of punishment each week, or one those hits he just wont be getting back up from.

    As for the interception comment, and those think 15 ints last season was a lot: 15 ints is nothing. In fact, isn't that the NFL average?

    Yeah, he has a 11 this year. TJ also has 4 rushing TD's, I think leon has 2, and favre also has 15 TD passes. Say what you want,a nd how you should of never been in the situation to need Favre to make a play late to win, but the fact remains your offense is scoring a ton more points then last season. Enjoy - your 4-3, gained grown on the top spot with the bills losing to miami, and the division is now within the Jets grasp as they can control their own destiny.

  11. Steve032

    Steve032 New Member

    Dec 7, 2007
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    You just don't get it. if the defender happened to turn around, like a good defender would, it would have been a pick. Open your eyes and take off the Favre glasses.
  12. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    What dont use understand about the term "Gunslinger" the guy fuckin rifles balls 82 yards into where ever. It is what it is man its tough but he's a legend and he rallied us from a come back win SOMETHING penny could never do. An thats not a bash at pennington but its the truth.
  13. winstonbiggs

    winstonbiggs 2008/2009 TGG Bill Parcells "Most Respected" Award

    Jan 20, 2005
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    I have no problem with Favre being an undisaplined horses ass which he has been because the coaching staff has set up our O for Favre to play this way.

    We are in a position to make the playoffs because this is a down year for the AFC. The confrence sucks and that's why we have a great shot to win our division and make the playoffs.
  14. puddnhead

    puddnhead New Member

    Aug 24, 2008
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    I think all you're dong is showing your own ignorance about how NFL football is played, when you say Favre "can't help but throw the ball." Unless it's an audible (and I don't think I saw any today?), it's the coaches that call the plays, not Favre.

    Do what you want but I guess if I were you, "Long Time Jet Fan", I would edit/delete my post before more people see it and I embarrass myself further.

    I don't think it should be an excuse -- Favre sucked today, make no mistake -- and it's probably a touchy thing to say but ... well, here goes: this is the worst pass protection I have seen Favre have in over a decade (withthe possible exception of '05).

    Another thing I think Favre is not used to is receivers who stop running their routes halfway through. That's what happened in that 91yd INT runback in the 4th quarter that put hte Chiefs ahead. Who knows maybe it would have been an INT anyway, but it should not have been that easy, the intnded receiver clearly just quit running (even the announcers saw it) and that made it 5,000,00x easier INT than it shoudl have been.

    Leon Washington won us the game. No argument. I love this guy! He and Jenkins are the best players on this team, IMO.

    If you are saying you can't believe the playcalling in this game (yet again) -- I fully concur.
    #34 puddnhead, Oct 26, 2008
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2008
  15. CJLang

    CJLang Well-Known Member

    Sep 1, 2007
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    If Favre broke his arm, he'd still go out there and play. He lives for two things, throwing the football and keeping his consecutive game streak alive.

    Much like Cal Ripken, he has played injured when the best thing for his team would be to sit.... and just like Ripken, it was admirable for him but stupid for the coaches who let them play in those situations.
  16. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Amen. It's not about me taking my head out of Favre's ass, it's realizing that I have been watching his style of play for 16+ seasons now,a nd nothing he did in this game is out of the oridinary for favre. What is making me get so defensive, and upset, is the Jets fans starting to turn on a guy who is producing more points for the jets then any QB was able to do all last season. A guy who despite playing horrible, was able to get a game winning TD when it mattered most. Say what you want about how " a good defender picks that off", but apparently then Favre has just happened to play a lot of crappy defenders. Because, he has more TD passes then anyone, and now 40 career game tieing/wining drives in the 4th quarter. I guess everytime a risky pass goes for a score, it's because of a crappy defender, and not an outstanding catch.

    I mean, I am not saying Favre was why you won this football game, but I am saying that he is who he is and he needs to appreciated for being able to put the bad crap behind him and make a play when it mattered. You traded for Favre to take those risks, and win these games. So, what I am saying is, you get off FAVRE'S back. He is simply playing this game the only way he knows how.
  17. Fusion2006

    Fusion2006 New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    What about the Coleman drop which should have been a pick 6. Who cares. We won. When it counted, Favre led us down threw an awesome pass to Coles.

    Whoever said that should be have been an INT needs to watch some more football. It is VERY common for QB's to underthrow a pass like that. Worst case scenerio its an incomplete pass, best case, its a touchdown. Which is what happened a TOUCHDOWN.

    ONLY Jets fans could complain about a TOUCHDOWN play to WIN the game. ONLY Jets fans.
  18. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Where do you come up with this stuff? He sucks because he's hurt? He sucks because of the coaching staff? My God, you've lost touch with reality.
  19. packerbacker1234

    packerbacker1234 New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Come now, I fully realize that jets fans have clearly never watched Favre play. The worst injury favre ever suffered was a broken thumb on his throwing hand. Not only did he play half the season with it, he was one of the best QB's in the NFC during that span,a nd lead the packers into the post season.

    The other time he got seriously hurt, he sprained his ankle severly and didn't practice all week. He walked gingerly onto the field on sunday, and threw 4 td passes. The only other time I can recall an injury that favre should not have come back in from was a concussion. He came back int he game ignoring everyone, sent the punt team to the sidelines, and threw a 40 yard strike for a TD, in double coverage, to Javon Walker on 4th and 5.

    So, all Favre cares about is his streak? Really? Because last I checked, whenever Favre had any sort of "serious injury", he responded by playing some fo the best football in his career.

    That is how I know you haven't been watching favre over the years. The guy has always seemed to play his best when he is hurt the most. It's not just admireable that favre plays through pain and injuries, it's that he performs very well when he does.

    The type of pain he has now is just soarness. It's not really an injury, it's just part of getting hit a lot.
  20. Bob_Nelson

    Bob_Nelson New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Ya, I don't understand all the criticism of that play. It was a modified fade route, much like the one Favre threw to Coles in the Arizona game...although no one was complaining about that one.

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