A third one for everyone.. They are all choppy but you can go between the three and maybe get some good moments. http://www.justin.tv/rags_2riches
YES! My site has got our game on, no lagging, and full screen looks great. http://www.justin.tv/widgets/jtv_live.r9763.swf?channel=soil03 edit: well it DID work and now i cant get any link to work
Sorry to keep posting but I'm not sure how many of you are just checking here for streams vs. looking for yourselves. Here's another one from justin.tv. Looks to be a little better than the other ones posted but who knows. http://www.justin.tv/rudyslv
I am loling at the people raging in that channel. I have the game on the radio, I just want a stream so I can see the action. Thanks for your links.
colt082295 playmakerxx There is a few more. I am currently using the playmakerxx one. Works well. Just add the justintv link ahead of those names. Since i cant post links.
http://www.justin.tv/widgets/jtv_live.r9763.swf?channel=playmakerxx edit, for some reason, it workes better this way: http://de.justin.tv/playmakerxx
3 nothing Jets first quarter, Brett looked great on his first drive after that not so good. Defense is playing a fantastic game so far.
3 to 3 first quarter. Our Offense needs t oput something together. I wish they would just let Brett throw the damn thing. GEEEEZE
Friggen 4 and 5 in the middle of the field and the JETS go for it and get it. What a crasy bastard that Mangini is.