Reality Check, What Did You Expect?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Long Time Jet Fan, Sep 16, 2008.

  1. Long Time Jet Fan

    Long Time Jet Fan New Member

    Sep 18, 2003
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    Well, from the posts made after the Favre acquistion, most people expected a lot. But what the rational people thought, and what clearly made the most sense is what has happened. Several things have become apparent, even after two weeks. Here's a list of some of them.

    1. The Green Bay Packers knew what they were doing. Did you really think they let go of Brett Favre because he was their best QB and they were tired of him? They let go of him because they could see their future looked brighter with Aaron Rodgers. Favre is old and looks old and the Packers were smarter than everyone else and knew it.

    2. Brett Favre is simply overrated. He has been and always will be. Yes, he was a very good QB, but not THAT good. He never was, and never will be, a great QB. He's a very good, entertaining QB, but not in the class of Montana or Marino, and he's clearly near the end of his career. He is not the type of QB that is capable of carrying an inferior team on his back, especially at this point. It's amazing to me how he gets the benefit of the doubt over a guy like Pennigton. He had a good first game, but honestly, it was against the Dolphins, and he was lucky. The pass to a wide-open Cotchery was underthrown. Pennington makes the same throw and he's a noodle arm (and yes Chad could have throw it as far as Favre in that situation). His second touchdown pass could just have easily been an interception, but Stuckey was in the right spot at the right time. Let's move on to last game. Pennigton makes that interception throw and he's a loser with no arm. Favre makes it and nothing, no negative comments at all. That was the same terrible pass Favre's thrown throughout his career. And it was picked off once again. Yes, he's still a good QB. Yes, he's the most entertainig QB the Jets have had since Namath. But, he's simply not as good as people think.

    3. Brett Favre no longer has that drive. He should never have come to the Jets. He wanted a shot at a Super Bowl, and think what you like, the Jets don't give him much of a chance. Apparently he's thought about retiring, again. What the fuck is with that? You want proof his heart's really not in it? Just go back to that third down run early in the game deep in Patriots territory. What does Brett do a yard short of a first down? Why he slides! What the fuck? Go for the first down you pussy. You're a God damn football player for crying out loud. I guarantee in that same situation "Old Noodle Arm" tries to run for the first. Maybe Brett had a flashback and thought one of his good buddies needed one tackle for a record so he sat down for him. Who knows?

    4. The Jets are a better football team. The Jets are clearly better than they were last year. But to expect a Super Bowl run this season was never realistic. Unless under extreme extenuating circumstances you don't go from 4-12 to the Super Bowl in one season.

    5. Many of the Jets off-season moves seems to have worked. Calvin Pace looks like a keeper. Jenkins has played well. Faneca and Woody are doing their jobs. Lowery was a steal and Keller will be good once the Jets figure out how to effectively use him. So many of the Jet moves seemed to have paid off. However, you're not going to get the entire benefit that quickly. It takes time for offensive lines to build chemistry. Favre was under constant pressure even with the new offensive line. You saw the result. Give it time and many of these moves will pay off in the long run.

    6. Dewayne Robertson Part Deux. You'd have thought the Jets would have learned their lesson regarding the draft and workout warriors. I was less than thrilled with the Gholston pick. You draft football players not bodybuidlers, and Gholston looks more like the latter. Maybe he'll pay off down the road, but right now, however early it might be, for a #6 pick he looks like another Jets draft bust.

    7. Bringing in Favre as late as they did was going to be a problem. Everyone should have known it takes time for quarterbacks and wide receivers to develop chemistry. Favre and the Jet WRs have very little, especially Coles. It remains to be seen if they can pull it together as the season moves on. But the more they lose, the worse it will get.

    8. Kicking and punting game. I've really tried to give Nugent the benefit of the doubt, but you've got to have confidence that your kicker is going to make a 30-yarder. Those should be givens. And the punting has to get more consistent. Otherwise, both these guys need to go find employment elsewhere.

    9. The playcalling has not been conservative. It's just been bad. You don't throw downfield on third and twenty-something if you're conservative. The three runs by Thomas Jones, he's never shown he's any kind of power back, was just bad play calling. Why bring in Mr. Favre if you're not going to give him at least once, if not two, chances to get you a TD deep in your opponents territory. I guess one could argue the playcalling has at time been both conservative and bad. The Jets almost lost against the Dolphins because they refused to make a real concerted effort on third down that would have allowed them to run out the clock.

    Bottom line is what you are seeing from the Jets is what you would expect to see. They are an improved team that will clearly better last year's record. A run at the Super Bowl? Highly unlikely. The playoffs? Doubtful, but who knows? The positives are that the Jets have set themselves up to improve in the future. They still don't know if they have a QB (whether it be Clemens, Ratliff, or Ainge) once Favre finally does retire, and that is a mistake. In any case, watching the Jets this year will certainly be more fun than in the recent past, but probably just a frustrating.
  2. zonebuster413

    zonebuster413 Member

    Jul 22, 2005
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    Yeah, they beat a Vikings team that plays with out a competent QB in home. And they have beaten the Lions that made a rookie QB(Matt Ryan) look like a first ballot hall of fame. Lets see how Rogers plays against the Cowboys next week and lets see how he plays once it starts to get cold, windy, and snowy up in Green Bay.

    You gotta be kidding me. I guess you are "what have you done for me last week" type of guy. The Jets lose a game against a defense that gives Payton Manning fits, and now Favre is all of a sudden over-rated? C'mon! When you talk about the best QB's in the NFL right now, people always bring up Tom Brady and Payton Manning. So, no one is making him to be the king of the hill. Anyhow, he IS the type of QB that is capable of carrying an inferior team. C'mon man.....that's what he has been doing in Green Bay for years.

    How can you say that you are "amazed" that "he gets the benefit of the doubt over a guy like Pennington." Are you really serious? You really think the Jets would be better off right now with freaking Pennington at helm? Pennington's career, if he ever had one, is over. He was just a one year wonder. After team figured out that he throws the ball about 3 miles per hour, it all went down hill for him. This team upgraded in many positions. They needed a QB and so they went out and got him. You should be at ecstatic that the Jets got him.

    And also, V. Gholston is not JUST a work out warrior. He had good production in college as well. This isn't the same case as D. Robertson. Although I have to say that Robertson did start to play a little better but with the Jets switching to 3-4, he was in no win situation ala J. Vilma. I am not a defender of Gholston. I have been a big critique of him, but I am just saying, it's not like Gholston shot up the draft board all of a sudden. A lot of teams had their eyes on him.
  3. Bosko

    Bosko Guest


    Dear Long Time Jet Fan (aka Mister Bold Face),

    You have some good arguments but they are mostly flawed:

    1. Favre is done.
    Hello? The Jets lost by... How many points? It's not as if the Jets got blown away by the Patriots. (And remember that last year the Pats were beating teams by 30 points or more every week.) Remember, BEFORE you write off the Jets, that Favre and our free agent friends are with a brand new team. And the Jets actually looked good at times. It is NOT time to put a fork in the Jets. So Shat Da Fack Up!

    2. The Packers knew what they were doing.
    Okay, you're making the usual assessment, after two games, that so many idiots make. I know you aren't that dumb. So why are you predicting an entire season after TWO games? Yes, the Packers did the right thing by letting Favre go to a new team... But this doesn't mean that Favre won't do well with the Jets.

    Bret Favre is overrated.
    Cheez Whiz! Overrated compared to who...
    Kellen Clemens and Chad Pennington?
    Any other NFL QB who hs ever played the game?

    For crying out loud! Favre has every NFL record in the book, and you are saying he is... "Overrated?"

    This has to be THE STUPIDEST THING I have ever seen on this message board...

    Critics of the Farve deal will have to explain this part to me. How did Chad P. do against the Cardinals? Oh yeah, aren't they one of those tough NFC teams, right? Gawd, if the Jets lose to the Cards? It will be throat-slitting time. But you're probably one of those Pennington fans... And you will make all the usual excuses... You can't be serious when you claim the Jets might have beaten the Patriots if he had been behind center... Just look at the record Mr. Pennington had against the Patriots for the last few years...

    Bret Favre doesn't have that "drive"
    Yes, you are SUCH an NFL expert that you can predict how the upcoming NFL season is going to go, AND what the motivations and influences of NFL players is going to be.

    Do you understand what an ass you look like?

    Do you have ANY idea how STUPID you look?

    Oh, yeah... IF I am wrong? Then please tell me how the stock market is going to do? I await your wisdom! THAT, and the outcomes of all upcoming NFL games.

    The Jets are a better football team
    Duh! Could we see a more obvious statement on this message board?

    5. Many of the Jets off-season moves seems to have worked.

    I would counter all of the other RIDICULOUS statements you've made, but basically, I'll say this:
    1. You want to sound like some kind of NFL expert, but instead you sound like a total ass.
    2, You are burying the New York Jets and Bret Favre after they have played just two games!
    3. All of your other statements look so idiotic that I doubt anyone is reading us further...

  4. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    well, i'm sure you knew the homers were going to attack you for this post, but ditto for making it and i pretty much agree with you on all points... it is indeed a reality check. look back 5 to 6 days ago and this board was in a frenzy about how the jets were going to beat the pats for almost a certainty.
    it just makes your post that much more viable than those that read with green glasses on!!!! kudos to you
  5. sackexchange

    sackexchange Well-Known Member

    Aug 27, 2003
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    Agree on every point. However, I will defend the move to get Favre because he gives us a better chance to win now than any other QB on our roster. Now, as far as whether the Jets are READY to win now...well, that's a different argument.
  6. Br4d

    Br4d 2018 Weeb Ewbank Award

    Apr 22, 2004
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    What I expected was for the Jets to be entertaining to watch this year. With the exception of a short sequence yesterday where they broke down the Pat's pass protection over the course of a couple of drives they were boring as hell to watch. No entertainment there at all.

    The Dolphin game had a few highlights for the postgame show but it was also about as entertaining as watching paint dry.

    This team better put on a good show or they'll have completely failed at mission one for the year, which apparently was to sell PSL's. They have 14 games to do it in. I'd start throwing flea flickers if I was them because they're not good enough to be even remotely entertaining and fun to watch with the kind of play calling we've seen so far.
  7. Twombles

    Twombles Active Member

    Nov 6, 2005
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    I can't agree with most of your Favre comments. He is a massive upgrade over what we had. Mabey Aaron Rodgers is the future at Green Bay, but that in no way detracts from Favre's abilities.

    Gholston could obviously play in college, that's why so many other teams wanted him up high. He's learning a new scheme, playing AN ENTIRELY NEW POSITION, and did not have a pre-season due to his schooling. What were you expecting? Moving Darren McFadden to TE, moving Ellis to end. All of the top picks would be mucked up if they were in Gholston's position. It MAY take him a little longer due to his more limited football knowledge, but in a year or so, that time will be nothing.
  8. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Reality check: It's only week 2.
  9. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    wow, fans are jumping ship already. There are only 2 things that concern me.......bad special teams and the fact that Mangini/Schott still think they have Pennington behind center. Favre is fine, they just have to let him play. We shock the Chargers and send them to 0-3 Monday night.....write it down. 3-1 at the bye
  10. Grogan

    Grogan Banned

    Aug 8, 2008
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    I have to say your a brave Jets fan, one of the few I've found on this board. However what you'll come to find out here is that most Jet fans here don't want anything to do with "reality", they want "Green KOOL AID" and lots of it. They don't want to hear that the Jets off-season moves where a mixed bag of results like most other teams in the league, they want Madden type results. They don't want to hear that Favre is anything short of 10 feet tall and able to beat defenses with fire from his a$$. They don't want to hear that the Jet are anything short of Super Bowl bound. Bottom line is they don't want to hear "reality".
  11. tcrock

    tcrock Well-Known Member

    Sep 8, 2003
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    really're speaking for us?

    the "reality" right someone else said, is that it's week's waaay to early to be making any suppositions on how this season goes down. Your team played a sound mistake free game (assuming it's the Pats of course).......I woudn't be annointing them division champs just yet.
    #11 tcrock, Sep 16, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  12. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    This post means you are about as perceptive as a tree stump. Not that anyone is surprised. You know nothing about the people on this board. Plus, you're stupid and unentertaining. Are you as useless in life as you are when you're trolling?
  13. abyzmul

    abyzmul R.J. MacReady, 21018 Funniest Member Award Winner

    Jan 6, 2003
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    What I expected was a post exactly like this from you and a number of others the first time we lost a game.
  14. Coach K

    Coach K New Member

    Aug 30, 2005
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    if this guy is serious it only further solidify's my belief that older fans of this team are self proclaimed masochists. and seek pleasure out of bitching, throwing there hands up early in the season. and jumping back on ship once things seem better.
  15. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    Exactly, this is his I hate Brett Favre and I told you so thread. He wants the Jets to fail with Favre - make no mistake about it.
  16. joesmoe39

    joesmoe39 Active Member

    Aug 28, 2005
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    actually, i didn't see anywhere in his post that he was jumping ship, just a more realistic view of the team, where as some on this board were projecting the jets as a shoe in for the division, it's more like a dog fight. especially where buffalo is concerned. many on this board where writing them off as no threat to us, when in fact, up to now they seem to be a major threat for the division. also, many on this board were saying they had no qb threat. i only wish the jets had a young prospect as promising as the bills qb (edwards). he looks to be coming along far better than anything the jets have to this point!!!!!
  17. HardHitta

    HardHitta Well-Known Member

    Mar 7, 2007
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    I Expected something different for a change. Maybe a stop or two on third and medium/long. Stop the running back when we need to and oh yea maybe be in the game a little more since fuckin Tom Brady! aint around.
  18. jaywayne12

    jaywayne12 Well-Known Member

    May 12, 2004
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    You get into a really tricky situation when you argue your points the way you do.

    This past week: Chad Pennington against the Arizona Cardinals
    C. Pennington 10 20 112 50.0

    If you want to get childish with your words, Brett Favre is playing much better than CP because he had better stats against a superbowl team.

    Now how childish does that sound. Going by your stats, it was an upgrade at the position and anyone that doesnt see it that way is clueless.

    As far as your point that "old noodle arm" would have dove for that first down...perhaps...and KC would be the qb this monday night.

    Favre was brought in here to upgrade the position...if you want to point out the very very few that thought that guaranteed a superbowl...take it up with them in a would be much easier then trying to convince an ENTIRE board that he is a better qb then Favre.

    Its just an absurd discussion...and it does border on childish at this point.
    #18 jaywayne12, Sep 16, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 16, 2008
  19. Big Blocker

    Big Blocker Well-Known Member

    May 7, 2008
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    The OP strongly implies that the Jets would have been better off keeping Pennington.


    Heh heh!.

    Pennington blows. If the Jets can't make it to the SB that doesn't mean, that does not mean, that they should have kept Chad.

    Having said that, sure the loss reveals that the Jets are hardly a perfect team, and independently of the Qb issue the CS remains a question mark.

    As for the older fans comment, there probably are some masochists out there. But the team's record is what it is. I suppose one could have done one of three things in this period:

    Enjoyed the pain. Not my cup of tea, either, but hey, who am I to judge?

    Switch allegiance to another team. No comment.

    Hang in there with a fatalist attitude. This one hardly sounds like a thrill a minute, but is probably the best of the three.

    Whether the fatalist thing is better than the masochist thing, or even appears to be different from a distance, I may think so, but I wouldn't get into a bar fight over it.
  20. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    ^^ Pennington was also replaced by a rookie on Sunday. It may be a permanent change by mid season or so.

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