Curious Question to Converted Packer Fans....

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by NDmick, Sep 14, 2008.

  1. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    Did Brett ever play like this due to the playcalling?? Did the Coaches ever make him play a dink and dunk game against anyone?

    I'd like to see a compare and contrast... any account given would be greatly appreciated.
  2. Traveling

    Traveling New Member

    Sep 7, 2008
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    Yes. There were times last season, especially in the beginning where I thought the team did a lot of dink-and-dunking. It was only toward the beginning of mid-season, when some of the WRs came into their own that things seemed to open up a bit more.
  3. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    then that gives me hope to see this offense open up after the bye week against awful teams... but if this is a season long thing then the calling for the CS's heads will not stop... and my new nickname for my beloved team will not go away.
  4. Well lets keep in mind that in the first half we WERE throwing downfield. What was killing us was dropped balls, and penalties. The penalties were causing 2nd and long and 3rd and long..and the Pats were sitting back in deep zones..causing Favre to have no choice but look short.

    CUt out the penalties, Dropped passes, Feeley's atrocious miss, and the atrocious goal line play calling..and the game couldve ben alot different. Damn to i sound like a typical jet fan right now...wheres the tequilla?
  5. NewestJetFan

    NewestJetFan New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Sort of, he is really effective at the slant. If the D gives him a short game he will kill you and go 6 for 7 and 50 yards. As the D puts 9 in the box he starts taking chances downfield.

    The trick is to let #4 play what the D gives him. I think he is now the most experienced QB in the history of the league. Winning drives this guy. It kills me they run the ball 3x from the 3. Look how easy that pass to Stuckey went.

    I like his short game, bullets, touch passes, screens, lobs, fades, play action but to handcuff the guy is a mistake. He needs to be given an absolute right to audible--he wins far more often then he loses. Not trying to rant on the Jets coaching just how I see it.
  6. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    honesty is what I like to read right now... good stuff dude. I just hope its allowed to happen - to not let Favre be Favre is a hindrance to the success of this team.

    The audibles come after the bye week, he'll know a lot more from week 6... for right now it should be playcalling that is to his strengths, now playcalling to Penningtons strengths
  7. NewestJetFan

    NewestJetFan New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Last year they went to 4 and 5 WR sets, some guys long and some short and he sliced the D up. Favre has unbelievable vision and he just knows where people are. Do you ever see him fixate on one person? Never, unless he is in that desperation mode and then everybody in the stadium knows what has to be done.
  8. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I didn't see much of today's game, so I'm not sure exactly what you mean, but some of Brett's best seasons came when he played primarily a ball-control, short-game offensive system. That's his strongest suit, the short- to medium-passing game. As long as the game the coach is calling is moving the chains, he's generally happy.

    If, however, he loses patience and confidence in the coach, you'll know it immediately.That's when he goes all sandlot and the rocketballs start flying all over the place. Used to happen a lot when Sherman was the... ahem... "coach", but not so much when McCarthy took over. I think right now, Brett's still in his "honeymoon" phase with the new coaching staff, but if Mangini plans on spending the whole season calling plays that Brett thinks ain't gettin' the job done, look for him to start freelancing. One thing's for sure, he's not the kind of player who's going to grit his teeth and go along with a gameplan he doesn't believe in. He'll do whatever he thinks he needs to do to win the game, and if the coach is in the way, he'd better jump aside or Brett'll run him over.
  9. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    dude..not that i'm a big fan of team "mutiny".....but if it means winning games...I hope Favre takes things into his own hands....the playcalling by our CS was subpar at best.
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    good to know, then Favre's play alone will tell us if Mangini is what we'd like him to be, or if its time to get someone else.
  11. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    From what I saw of today's game, yeah - I totally agree with you. The problem is that Favre doesn't always make the best decisions about when it is and is not the appropriate time to throw the game plan out the window and save the world all on his own. Last year's Green Bay-Dallas game comes most immediately to mind. I'm not going to say much more than that right now, because for the most part you Jets fans are really cool people who are still excited about having Favre play for you and down in the dumps over losing a game you could have and should have won. I don't want to spoil anyone's day or rub salt in anyone's wounds. I'll just say that by the end of the year, if Favre loses confidence and respect for Mangini, you guys will see for yourselves what some of us have been talking about. For now, I'd prefer just to call it a bad game and put most of the blame on Favre still getting used to the new offense and the new teammates, and leave it at that for the time being.
  12. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    no worries, dude..I'm not throwing in the towel yet. I'm frustrated...but it's still early. I've watched Favre for a lot of years too...and he can be a Loose Cannon (no pun intended)....but we need to open up the offense....this conservative approach with him is not the way to go, IMO.

    Those 3 running plays on the NWE goal line were atrocious.....let the man throw the ball....we have 3 receiving TE's for christs' sakes!!
  13. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I think so. For some of us, that was one of the first signs that Sherman sucked - it became clear that in pressure situations, Favre had absolutely no confidence in his coach.

    It took a few years after that, but eventually, the majority of Packer fans could see it ourselves. But for some of us who watched the games closely, and paid attention to the interactions on the sidelines, Favre was the canary in the coal mine who served the first notice that Sherman had no balls. Favre knew it from the beginning, and his play made it obvious that he didn't trust the man on the sideline with the pencil in his mouth to win any games for the team.
  14. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Absolutely. You've got to give the man some tools. Christ, if they're not going to put him in the position to win the games, why did they bring him here? Hey, I make no secret of the fact that I wanted to replace Favre with Rodgers because I want a quarterback who'll manage a game more carefully than Favre does, but still - you've got to give the man some opportunities to make plays.
  15. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    well...we'll see how the Jets respond next week against a dangerous Chargers team.

    on a sidenote: Rodgers has looked pretty good for you guys thus far....Packer-nation must be breathing a sigh of relief....
  16. NewestJetFan

    NewestJetFan New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I am holding my breath, they haven't played anybody yet. Minnesota can't win because they have zero for QB and they damn near blew it in Detroit.
  17. MBGreen

    MBGreen Banned

    Feb 28, 2008
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    yeah...but Minny has a pretty stout all fairness, Det doesn't....but you're 2-0...and that's what counts :)
  18. NewestJetFan

    NewestJetFan New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    I agree that he is not always correct but he is correct for more times than he is wrong. How many times would we have lost by 6 except #4 took over? Granted some of those games we lost by 20 because he goes into that win or die mentality. Fans have this idea the Packers have been good since 99' and except for the last half of last year we really were not without Favre's heroics.

    Unfortunately I think the control freak gene is in a coach's DNA and maybe for this guy you just have to let it go. Mike Holmgren gritted his teeth but understood.
    #18 NewestJetFan, Sep 14, 2008
    Last edited: Sep 14, 2008
  19. Wild Thing

    Wild Thing New Member

    Aug 7, 2008
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    Your point's a good one, but as for Minnesota, Jackson doesn't play defense and Rodgers did a pretty good job carving up that highly-rated defense in his first NFL start. Completed over 80% of his passes. Looked pretty fur-real to me in that game.

    And as for Detroit, well... he looked like Johhny Unitas in the first half, and pretty mediocre for most of the second. Which is what i expect to see quite a bit of this year, or at least the early weeks of this year - up and down, spotty play, some rocky stretches. But nevertheless, after the Kitties took the lead with 5 minutes to go, he came back to lead the game-winning drive and add an insurance touchdown following Woodson's first interception. The kid showed me a lot in that last 5 minutes; how many young QBs in their 2nd NFL start would have that kind of composure and that kind of self-confidence? I was impressed.

    So yeah, I'm one who is definitely breathing easier this weekend. Sure, he didn't exactly beat the '85 Bears either of these past two weeks, but he's off to a good start, has shown some very positive things, and there's every reason to expect him to improve considerably as he gets more experience under his belt. He looks as good as he needs to be at this stage of his first year.
  20. Jetfanmack

    Jetfanmack haz chilens?

    Aug 27, 2002
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    My question for Packers fans (or Favre/Jets fans): Was Brett and the offense booed that much, say after a three and out like what happened today a few times?

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