On the ganggreen.com. Now, I may have OCD, but come on, this is just ridiculous: http://www.theganggreen.com/images/header/header_image5.jpg To the powers that be; please erase all vestiges of Pennington's existence. It is painful, and what's more, with a crucial week 1 showdown looming, this can only curse the Jets and this website with his presence. Please, for the love of Favre, NO...MO'....PENNY!! Thanks. (and before someone says how I should've just PM'ed Petrozza about this - I DID already, ok?! A week ago. To no avail. I'm sorry, but week one approaches, the time for drastic measures has come.)
Yeah, I think we need need another thread on this. The first one didn't get the point across enough yet.
Dude really. You need to chill. You are pretty much inactive until Favre shows up and now you are whining over a stupid picture. If you took the time to read any of the pre existing threads, you would have seen Petrozza was going to do an update at the end of preseason.
you're right. no reason to be active any more. you are all pathetic and sad and trying to converse with any of you morons is completely pointless. you are all better at posting on a message board! you are all bigger jets fans~!!! I sure hope none of you get injured during the season, that would suck. this message board used to be cool like 6 years ago and now it fucking sucks giant donkey dick. nothing but fucking losers here. god you guys suck.
None of you have any real lives to speak of. All you have, in your heart, is this message board and the stupid Jets. I want the Jets to win too, its an amusing little diversion, but if they don't, or if Favre breaks his leg in the second game, I think I will be even happier at this point, because I will know all your sad little lives have been utterly ruined. God I hate you people.
Dude!!!! You need to take a step back from the keyboard...Take a long hard look at what's getting you so upset
here's an idea...if you don't like it here...you can "fuck off" and we'll all be better for it. nobody is twisting your arm to be here, shithead.
Let's break this down.. And you are the only one concerned a picture on the front page has not been updated. Most Jets fans do.:up: But this is the strange part: Which leads me to believe you are not a Jets fan. And therefore should not really care what the page looks like.
Just because not one person ever found those stupid attempts at being The Onion that you post remotely amusing is no reason to be upset.
Man, I do so love to witness a message board poster meltdown. It's like a ticking internet time bomb.
Well, I removed Pennington from the roster today, so updated home page headers are coming as well.....
I would have donated my left nut, along with my savings via paypal to TGG if that happened. ok not really
It's true. That meltdown was all Pennington's fault. Thank you Petrozza. I can now go one with my life now that Pennington is off the banner. But why did you crop Favre's arm to be covered by the logo? Kinda weird. haha jk. Just for the record, the point of this thread, and of this whole message board these days is this: I am a bigger Jet fan than you.