This may seem like a weird thread but bare with me... One thing that has annoyed me about being a Jets fan since Parcells left the Jets is how the Jets have always been looked at as the good guys in a way. We had some great ups and some terrible downs, and have seen a lot of really classy guys come through here... Pennington... Martin... Edwards... to name a few... Fans of other teams have LIKED the Jets for so long now, it makes me sick. They like us because we threaten no one, and have had likable players all this time. Everyone has hated the Patriots since their run began... even before Spygate, though Spygate really helped push it over the top. The Patriots seem to get under everyone's, and it is because they are outright dominating. Hate to say it, but their team is loaded with character guys, as are most of the league... the difference is that their "character" guys play with an edge, and aren't so much likable as they are dominating, though still good characters. One thing I've noticed from some fans of other teams that I've spoke with recently is that now that the Jets have Favre, in their eyes we suddenly aren't this likeable team anymore, the good guys who other fans are happy for when they do well, because they don't really bother anyone... I LIKE this. It is hard to explain why, but it gave me the best feeling I've had since we acquired Favre to realize that as a result of that move, we've moved closer not so much to legitimacy, but to being a team that treatens everyone else. I may be just restating in different words what has already been said, but I like the fact that the Jets will go forth and bring in these kinds of guys. I think that not only will the skill level of the Jets change with Favre's addition, but the attitude of the team. I hope I'm not exaggerating what I'm trying to convey here, but I can see this happening, and I think the Jets are long overdue for something like this. It's about time we turn to the darkside.
I agree. I'd like to be like the old Raiders with Alzado, Matuzak (sp?) Stabler, et al. I'd rather have a team of borderline psychopaths that everyone feared and hated.
Whenever I meet people who are fans of other teams, I usually get sympathetic words or glances of pity. An occasional wince too. As far as Favre turning the Jets into something dark...are you out of your mind?! This is going to be a lovefest of a season. Smiles, hugs, etc. To quote Rodney: "Hey, we're all gettin' laid!"
I agree, but not with the bit about Favre. Favre is like a giant gun-slinging-interception-throwing-cries-at-the-end-of-season teddy bear. We need another Mark Gastineau.
I'm not sure how related this is, but today I wore my collared Jets shirt. It's dress down Friday and once and a while I wear it work - draft time, first game of the preseason, when the jets pickup a key free agent, before/after a big win - things like that. Point being, it's not an every friday shirt - mostly because it's a little more dress down than I normally do, but I do wear it once and a while. A guy I talk to once and a while came up to me as I stepped out for a cigg today and said "Oh I see all the Jets fans are going to start wearing their Jets gear now." I have anger management issues, and this enraged me. I've been a die hard fan since I started watching football in '86 and have ALWAYS worn my Jets gear no matter what their record was. Fuck the haters.
yeah but how many people went out and bought a favre jersey in the last 2 days? i can understand his comment its just that he doesnt know you and you opened yourself up to it by wearing the shirt. its almost an in your face type thing even though its just a pride thing on your part (i assume) to the original poster, sorry but brady and harrison are toolbags, bruschi too. toolbags and it has absolutely nothing to do with them being good.
Since we lack a team full of bad asses that the rest of the league hates and fears, we should work on creating one. Shouldn't be too hard to spread a few rumors to give our players some edge. We could start by anonymously reporting to various outlets that Coles, Leon Washington, David Harris, Kerry Rhodes, Nick Mangold, and Kellen Clemens got picked up last week for gang raping a one legged midget with downs syndrome. That'll get people to hate us quickly.
Think about it this way...we beat the Steelers in '04 and we're not just a happy go lucky (to other fans) group with a bunch of nice guy players...alluva sudden our players are *tough,* and they have *grit,* and they *can grind it out.* The cliche labels we're looking for will come with success. Lets be successful first, then we can go ahead and label's not exactly like Martin, Pennington, and whoever else you can think of not named Abe were soft here. I mean despite our record last year, I don't think many, if any, teams were salivating to play us...well defenses were when Chad was in but you know what I'm saying... I will admit that I'm really hoping Gholston starts playing alot meaner. Either way, people will definitely be respecting Rhodes, Revis, Harris, Jenkins, and the O-line (hopefully others too).
I'm not suggesting the Jets become the Bengals. :rofl: I think Favre brings an attitude, a swagger that will be contagious through the locker room. We do have guys here who can play with that same sort of fearless attitude that I expect to see from Favre. Take the Hitman for instance... perfect example. It may be slow, but Mangini is transforming the kind of team this team is.
I know, I was just messing with you. I agree 100%. I like the way the leadership is moving on this team. We don't have a ton of flashy guys, but they're hardnosed, tough players. Now that we have a winning QB, not just a managing one, they've got something to play for and the fire has been lit. Also, Favre shines a light on this team and people outside the league will start to take notice. My brother in law is a 12 year NFL vet who still has ties to many players in the league. After the 06 season, I was complaining about Rhodes not making the Pro Bowl. He said not to worry. Fans may not know who he is yet, but every player in the league does and they know where he belongs. Our players will start getting more recognition this year, but it'll be for the right reasons.
I never flet liked by other fans? Most of the time other teams fans used being a Jet fan as the butt of a joke.
Unfortunatly Winistrol V is banned in the NFL. See what happened when they took Big Brown off the juice.
Okay, lets take it one step at a time. First, what did you eat today? It may have been something you ate that is making you feel this way... lololol All jokes aside, lets wait till #4 actually learns the playbook before we start throwing thoughts of dominance around. And understand that we are still ultimately one hit on Favre away from Clemens taking the reigns once again. (Imagine that does happen and he takes us to the promiseland... Now that would really bake everybody's cookie.)
Jeff Blake could come out of retirement and win it all for us, it doesn't matter to me who it is, as long as it is someone.
This is part of the reason I like the Favre fit with the team. Mangini has made it clear he wants guys who love playing football. Favre is one of those guys, and his "Let's go have fun" proclamation confirms that. Mangini said that he thought Favre would like the guys on the team, and that's probably the reason why. I like having guys who like to play the game. I wore my Coles jersey to a party yesterday, and this one Jets fan was showing me love. Of course, everyone else was talking about Favre, and I'm sure people will say that everyone's wearing Jets jerseys now because of it, but screw em. If all the attention is heaped on Favre, and if we play well, he gets most of the blame, then the rest of the team might still fight for respect. The Packers almost made the title game last year, but many casual NFL fans still don't know anything about the rest of the team.