Chad WILL Be The Starter. Again.

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by Green Lantern, Mar 4, 2008.


    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    I don't expect to win It so I will not be disappointed. Last time we had a legit shot was 1998!

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    We Chad bashers can no longer live the lie that he will somehow miraculously take us to a title. We know how the story is going to end.
  3. Verngenious

    Verngenious New Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    We know you'll be critical if Penny makes mistakes Whit Shoes, but there's a flip side to that coin. if Penny does well you have to admit you were worng about him and kiss his ass. Lol Seriously, if Penny wins the job, let's see what he could do for 2 years then we'll turn our attention over to Ainge. I'm high on him!
    If KC Can't beat out weak armed wahsed up CP after 3 years he's NOT the answer and either we get a NEW QB or maybe Ainge will be the answer. That's what's going to happen, watch.........

    PS. pennington4life good points................Lol I predict at leat 10-6 this year with the Insane possibility of 11-5..... Go Jets
  4. FatStupidLoser

    Jul 26, 2007
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    So since we didn't go get anyone else, Chad should do just fine for a short playoff run. Or since Chad is done and all we could just go with Kellen and go 6-10.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Actually I think we have a better shot with Kellen since he did have the better record last year. So Kellen should be fine for a short playoff run.
  6. WhiteShoeWillis

    WhiteShoeWillis Well-Known Member

    Mar 20, 2006
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    I agree that KC most likely isn't the answer if he can't beat out CP this season. You seem to take great joy in saying that, as a Jets fan you should be upset about it.

    I will give CP credit if he plays well. I will say I was wrong about him if he performs above what I feel he's capable of.

    I will not "kiss his ass".

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    So you want a weak washed up Qb behind Center for two years? And we wonder why we haven't won a Sb for 40 years. If your high on Ainge and Clemens does not win the job you will see him before the season is over. 11-5 this year? Drinking the Green Cool Aid again?
  8. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    The Jets were undeniably one of the best teams in the NFL in 2002 and were two shanks away from the AFC Championship game in 2004, so I'd say they've had two "legit shots" since 1998.
  9. pennington4life

    pennington4life New Member

    Sep 9, 2007
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    thank you verngenious. and im with you on 10-6 and maybe better.

    4th and Long sorry for being an optimistic fan and having a little ocnfidence in our Jets. how can a team have confidence if their fans don't? have u ever played sports?
  10. NDmick

    NDmick Revis Christ

    Apr 1, 2007
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    So since I'm thinking past this year, considering both QBs just can't be more than highly mediocre - Who do you want in next year's draft?
  11. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Tebow or Stafford. Unfortunately (from a drafting perspective), the Jets are almost definitely going to win at least 7 games this year, based on their weak schedule, so they'll likely miss out on both.
  12. Richiebsweet

    Richiebsweet Active Member

    Nov 16, 2004
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    With the offseason acquistions of so many veterans, the JETS are making a push to win now with the proven QB, Chad Pennington. If you haven't got the message by now, let me tell you a big secret, KELLEN CLEMENS IS AS GOOD AS DONE AS A JET unless he starts turning it around during training camp and puts up some ridiculous numbers during the pre-season. And if not, look for the JETS to possibly draft a QB or trade for one from the Cleveland Browns in the near future.
  13. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Definitely a possibility.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    The deer in the Headlight look Chad had in Oakland showed me everything I ever needed to know about our shot in 2002. In 04 our Defense and Curtis Martin got us as close as they could but could not overcome a non performance by Chad! We both know how the story would have ended in Ne in 2004.

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Yes I have played sports and I don't care to discuss what level because that would start a whole other string of bs posts. That is why the though of defending Chad as a Qb utterly disgust me. I have played at a high enough level to know what a real Qb is and he aint it!

    FOURTHANDLONG Active Member

    Apr 20, 2006
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    Basically we will be sitting her having the same conversation in 2013 because we don't have a Qb and wasted another year or two on Chad. By that time the Dolphins will have been rebuilt by Parcells and we will be back at the bottom of the Afc east yet again.
    #276 FOURTHANDLONG, Jul 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  17. Verngenious

    Verngenious New Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    FOURTHANDLONG - Dude, i see your point and I'd like an upgrade over both KC and CP, but franchise QB's don't grow on trees! I said to go with CP if he wins the job for two more years b/c that's how long it will take us to either draft, trade, or sign a franchise QB. If CP wins the job Clemens is most likely NOT the answer in mgt eyes so where are you getting this youg franchise gunslinger that's going to take a win now team to the Super Bowl from??? That's why I said you take your 2 year run with CP. IN THE MEANTIME, we focus on finding that franchise qb while seeing how far CP can take us in a 2 year window. What else would you guys do??? That would be my plan!! Again, there's a part of me that's wants KC to take the job, b/c of his arm strenth and mobilty ( he shows flahses of a Favre like qb ) but if he doesn't win the job the best option is to play CP for 2 years with win now team while at the same time looking for our qb of the future.
  18. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Quote: "...If CP wins the job Clemens is most likely NOT the answer in mgt eyes..."

    Kellen has had a rookie year and eight starts behind a 1-7 team. In my opinion, if Chad were to beat out Kellen this year, the NYJs would not just dump him and immediately look for someone else to take his place as No. 2.

    First of all, just based on his work to date, Kellen would probably not be that far behind Chad in any case.

    Secondly, Kellen would only be a single play away from going in and taking over anyway. In such an unfortunate scenario, assuming the team has actually made some good investments and picks this off season, Kellen would have a priceless opportunity to play behind a competent OL, which will support more time to throw, less pressure to throw all the time, and plenty of reps in hand-offs and play-fakes.

    We need to give Kellen a real, fighting chance instead of complain about how badly he performed during a disaster.

    Sometimes, you guys give the impression you see the QB playing by himself in a vacuum. Now, I know you don't really believe that....
  19. Verngenious

    Verngenious New Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    White Shoes - I was only kidding, we're all on the same side. I am NOT in love w/ CP or settling for him. In fact I want us to get a better qb than penny - I've suffered with this team long enough ( where's our Elway - Marino - another Namath ) I don't need to stick with Penny, but I hate the fact you guys treat the guy like a fkg bum and he's alway's given us 110%- With his limitations and all!

    The guys never had a lot of talent around him, has come back from 2 devastating shoulder injuries most qb's don't bounce back from, won comeback player of the year, alway's plays dinged up w/out using it as an excuse, and gives us everything he's got with no arm - he wins with his guts, gile, smatrs, etc.... That's what i've seen from Penny his whole career I don't know about you guys? I tend to appreciate overachievers more than underachievers aand Penny's is a guy that gets the most out of his talent, I like that!!I wish more of our other guys were more like Penny - studying, preparing, working, etc...

    If Penny had KC arm and mobility there wouldn't even be a qb competition this year. You guys want a franchise qb - put KC arm strenth and mobilty in Penny's body. I've said it before and I'll say it again for the last time, to be a godod qb in this league you have to be able to read defenses, anticipate routes, be accurate, have good pocket presence, awareness, and the abilty to recognize what d-fenses are trying to do to you and how to exploit it. KC looks like a scared deer b/c for whatever reason the gm has not slowed down for him yet so he doesn't know where to go with the ball so he panics in the pocket and runs or throws pics. that's why he looks shaky in the pocket to us - He panics b/c he knows he's running out of time in his head and he looks up and doesn't know what to do with the ball......... I hoped he could stdy more in the off-season and get better, but until he knows how to read defenses CP will start over him guaranteed.
    #279 Verngenious, Jul 28, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 28, 2008
  20. Verngenious

    Verngenious New Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    4th & Long - If you listen to Vengenious it's going to be second and inches instead of 4th & Long. Don't be so pessimstic kid, your killing me. We're going to the playoffs this year, we're going to spilt with NE and face them for a BIG GM in the play-offs where we'll have a punchers chance. We can beat NE this year if everything falls into place for us.

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