Check out the rumor mill section of He kills jet management for their desperation in their offseason moves and going after Favre. Says this is Mangini's last pro opinion is that he is good at breaking stories and very mediocre in a huge Steeler fan.
this guy is the NFL's version of Perez Hilton...i would take what he writes with a grain of salt, bud.
I like Florio when he posts the latest scoops and inside information. Whenever he posts opinion pieces/editorials, I lose interest in his writing. This is probably the 3rd of 4th article where he rips the Jets apart for spending so much money this off season.
Mangini is carrying a lot of baggage around with him right now. I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't get another NFL job if the Jets fire him. Then again I'd be kind of surprised if there isn't some other job waiting for him in the Jets organization when he goes as head coach. Woody has a hard time letting go of people.
Back in January, I brought up the name of Joe Collier. To rehash all that- Collier was able to find success as the defensive coordinator of the 1977 Broncos Orange Crush defense. If the Jets fail to take off this year and they lose 10 or more games, Mangini's probably going to get the boot (unless there are mass injuries which he can use as an excuse). He'll be another Mike Tice- a little bit of success and a lot of controversy. After being let go by Minnesota, Tice has acquitted himself very nicely as the assistant head coach of the Jaguars. I don't see why Mangini would have to go to the college level to find a job.
He embarrassed the NFL with Spygate. That kind of thing never goes away and the fact that Goodell, a Jets guy, swept it under the rug so fast just kind of accentuated how little the NFL needed the attention. I know that it's not clear that Mangini caused the NFL security action, but really what do you think?
I do not believe that Mangini has yet disgraced himself to the point where not one of the other 31 franchises would not hire him in some coaching role.
From the number of articles I've read about that entire situation, the fallacy that Mangini "ratted out" the Patriots and the NFL's most precious dynasty is completely off base. Of course the media and bitter New England fans LOVE the idea of blaming him solely as it makes for a good story and a good reason to hate Mangini. But the way i understand Mangini wanted Jets security to quietly approach the camera man, ask him to turn off the camera and turnover the tape. If the NFL or New England fans have a problem w/ that..more power to them. But the entire ordeal being "Exposed" to the national media and turning into the legend it is b/c the Pats camera man refused to turn off the camera or hand over the turned into an altercation and league security had to step in. Mangini didn't nudge the daily news, the post,espn and Fox..w/ a heads up story to check out the vistitor's tunnel or whatever the camera man was. His intent(again how i interupt it) was simply to stop the pats from taping signals in THAT GAME against the jets. If the league and Pat fans wanna pout about that and blame Mangini..I guess they can go for it..but it seems pretty ridiculous to me.
The guy is a bitter Steeler fan who's PMSing over the fact that the Jets gave Faneca money when the Steelers wouldn't. Even then, it's just some guy's opinion, nothing more.
Of course the Jets spent a lot of money and of course they will go after Favre. What this guy doesn't see is the business side of it and how much easier it will be to sell all those PSLs because they did and will.
Bill Bellichick and the Patriots were responsible for spygate, not Mangini. Spin it however you want, but you sound like a bitter Pats fan.
In real life whistleblowers usually pay a much higher price than the people they blew the whistle on. That's why there are so many laws designed to try to shield whistleblowers from retaliation. Even so, if you let out the dirty secret that nobody wants to talk about you usually pay the bigger price when all is said and done, that's just human nature.
that article is speculated bullshit with too much conspiracy behind it. Florio has always been a worthless writer. How about his precious Steelers looked their worst in years and don't seem to be improving? How the Fuck is looking at Favre more desperation? People need to relax.
And spending a lot of money is bad because of why?! All the Cub fans are praying Cuban buys the team of losers b/c he'll spend money like crazy. Florio must be too into rooting for the Pirates and there 5million dollar payroll. Jerk off
They know the Packers were the ones trying to get rid of Favre, not the other way around. Of course, PFT has been working the desperate Jets BS for months, so what's new.
What's wrong with desperation? The two most desperate moves this franchise ever made was signing Joe Namath which saved the franchise and getting Parcells. In a 32 team league with profit sharing the teams that operate out of desperation to win will at least move away from the pack. When things are desperate you either change or perish that's what desperation really is. It's about time we moved off the dime of mediocrity one way or another.
This guy is some schmuck living in West Virginia sitting at home at his computer with a few "sources" in the NFL and lives off of that. Like I said before, I'll never listen to anything this guy says after he reported that Terry Bradshaw died in a car accident in the spring of 2007. What a joke.