How good can this 2008 Jets team be?

Discussion in 'New York Jets' started by TampaBayJetsFan85, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. coloradojet

    coloradojet Active Member

    Oct 5, 2003
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    It's kind of hard for me to be objective about this team since I have my green colored glasses on. I alwasy like to think that the team is going be better than everything indicates. With that said, I think we will win at least 9 games. Last year we lost a lot of close games but two years ago we won a lot of close games for a total of 14 games won in two years. That's a 7-9 record over the last two years. Which isn't bad considered that we had a new coaching staff, a not so good QB situation, an OL that was probably the worst in the league last year, players playing out of position (Vilma, Robertson), a defense that couldn't stop anything until the break (this has to change though or else there will be little improvement if any). Mangini has to get the defense to play well from game one and not game 11 or 12.

    Besides the free agents and the new rookies, we now have a really good OL coach in Callahan that should improve the OL beyond what Faneca and Woody bring in. The OL depth need to be addressed though because if one starter goes down, we will be in bad shape. And injuries to a few key players could derail everything since we don't have that much depth.
    #21 coloradojet, Jul 4, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 4, 2008
  2. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Thats keepin it REAL.

    Seriously...Clemens has to play above and beyond his full potential? WTF does that even mean? He has to be super-human for us to be good?

    Woody HAS to play at a Pro Bowl level? D'Brick and Mangold take HUGE steps foward? Mangold's already considered by many the best young C in the NFL...huge step foward is really necessary?

    These are the standards the team has to meet?

    All we REALLY have to do to be a very good team:

    O-line gets better because the two most significant holes have been filled. It's not even that I think Woody is all that great...but considering our left side should improve significantly due to not having to cover for the LGs weaknesses...and that our right side should be solid if unspectacular (ZOMG NOT SPECTACULAR HOW WILL WE SURVIVEZ!!?!?)...I expect it to play very well. The Browns used a similar theory last year with the Thomas-Steinbach-Fraley left side...and on the right side they played a former (smaller) LT and 32 year old Ryan Tucker at G....and they had a kickass O-line. D'Brick, Faneca, and Mangold have the potential to be just as sick and I like our right side better than theirs.

    Clemens does not need to fucking...whatever it is you're asking him to do there...that just doesn't even make I don't even know how to respond to that...above and beyond his full potential....holy crap thats pressure. What his full potential anyway? In your...I'm guessing... humble opinion?

    Miller, and only Miller, plays well at the #2 CB spot. It can't be just anyone stepping up and holding the job must be Miller. At least he doesn't have to play above and beyond his full potential.

    Revis and Harris not hitting sophomore slumps is a legit worry actually...luckily we got more guys capable of doing something on defense to help prevent that. If they played so well when other teams basically had to worry about Rhodes and *maybe* Ellis besides them...I think they'll be just fine now that teams will have to watch out for Jenkins, Pace, Rhodes, Gholston, hopefully Ellis, hopefully BT, Harris, and Revis.

    This is such a damper and half of it is so....exaggerated. What exactly is the point of being a fan of a team if the best compliment you can give it is backhanded...I guess I should prepare for the usual lament of how being a Jets fan has FORCED you to become this way through years of vicious mental, physical, and spiritual torture?
  3. UncleTomNYJ

    UncleTomNYJ Active Member

    Mar 1, 2006
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    10-6 mark it the way happy 4th
  4. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    DWare, these boys are hungry to win. Fans be damned.

    Calling stuff sophomore jinx, and other media-fomented vomitous cliches, hell!

    The New Yawk Jets need to pull together and tell everybody else to go fish.

    That stupid idiom was what the NYGs performed to the distraction of the rest of the NFL.

    Why not shock the world? Back to back Meadowlands stomp-outs will ruin the NFL won't it.
  5. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    10-6 is their peak with Clemens or Pennington.

    Bring in a real quarterback, and I think that number becomes 12-4.

    My guess for what actually happens would be 9-7, primarily due to the weak schedule.
  6. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    If the Jets can sweep the Dolphins and the Bills while splitting with the Patriots, I can really see us go 11-5 on the year.

    If we can go 5-1 in the East, I see no reason why this Jets team cant go 6-4 the rest of the way.

    With the weaker schedule we have, winning in the East in the key
  7. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    I'm all for optimism, but I'm going to go ahead and assume your 4th of July drinking binge started early.

    The Jets have swept the Bills once in the last 9 seasons. They have defeated the Patriots once in the last 11 games.

    Wake up, Dude.
  8. TampaBayJetsFan85

    Apr 22, 2007
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    We made the playoffs two years ago, this Jets team is also much better if you ask me. All this team needs to do is put this talent and potential onto the field durning Sundays.

    I also feel we can sweep the Bills this year and I also believe that we can split with the Patriots.

    I'm not a sleep, I'm wide awake. :=)

    In sports... Believing is everything, if you cant believe... Why even follow the team?

    Who would have thought the Rays would be 20 games above .500 in July? Trust me... I got called out by Rays fans all offseason because I loved our pitching

    With the Jets, in 08... I love our veteran talent and young potential. And yes, Kellen has potential
  9. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    Hey, no one's saying it's impossible. You can't be a Jets without a deep - really deep - faith that someday you will be rewarded for all the meltdowns. With that said, I think the Jets could get to 10 wins, but even in my wildest fantasies, it doesn't involve going 5-1 in the AFC East.
  10. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Now, ya'll boys are far too arithmetic about the future, in my view.

    I prefer blood spots to integers, thank you very much...

    In order to change rational athletes' minds, you have to become their boss, preferrably in a brief but brutal encounter....possibly, you may have to resort to a redundant lesson of brutality until the opponent's awareness of reality is refreshed by ....reality.

    Ya'll boys who want to negotiate should go to the rest room now.

    Changing the other guy's mind on the line of scrimmage is not a discussion -- it is the sudden and sometimes awful revelation of who is both stronger and right for this moment.

    It doesn't have much to do with the punctuation on your freaking resume, by the way.
  11. Verngenious

    Verngenious New Member

    Apr 8, 2008
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    I also wear green colored glasses, but I can be reasonable and fair. With they're strenth of schedule and if they can stay relatively healthy I can see them easily winning 10 gms and finishing second in the division to the Pats. That being said, if Keller and Gholstoon pan out this year, the Jets will give the Pats all they handle this year and will be ready and positioned to surpass them next year. We're catching up talent and system fit guys wise! If we get good QB PLAY out of whomever we're going to be tough to beat in all three facesets of the gm. Go Jets!!!!!!!!
  12. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Well, Verngenious, you damned well got the point.

    GO JETS>
  13. notjustQBs

    notjustQBs New Member

    Dec 24, 2007
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    Ya'll have a great fourth of July (and fifth too!), NYJ fans...!
  14. Beamen

    Beamen New Member

    Jun 4, 2003
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    I didn't say we couldn't be decent without all of these factors taking place.. I stated that as the IDEAL situation.... That's why I ended that with "we an be a very, very good team," as opposed to "we can go 10-6 and slip into the playoffs."

    This team has a lot of potential, but a lot of pieces need to fall in place in order for us to be elite...

    Those are the players that I think, if everything goes right, will push us to the point where we can be a top-tier team...

    We have a lot of question marks, and I stated the best possible outcome of each of these up-in-the-air situations...

    There's no need to go flipping out because I pointed out that we have a lot of question marks...

    And yes, I know I exaggerated on the Clemens thing, but I did that because I know a lot of people already think Clemens sucks, so I figured by posting the BEST CASE SCENARIO I'd avoid any posts saying that Clemens still won't be good enough to get it done...

    And by the way, OL tend to get praise based on reputation, and Mangold built one up as a rookie- but if you actually focused on him- with a huge gaping hole to his left last year, he took a pretty decent sized step back in '07- and I can't really blame him.... But I think that he needs to prove, with support next to him, that he can return to the form he showed in his rookie year, and improve on that... For now, that's a big step forward...
    #34 Beamen, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  15. JetsLookingforDWare

    Jan 22, 2007
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    Every team would need to be perfect to be I don't see the point...and like I said I think half your questions about this team sucked.

    And Mangold wasn't that bad at all last's hard to be as good as he was when theres a giant gap to your left to cover. Both he and D'Brick got royally fucked by last years guard situation. They won't be stepping their game up so much as being allowed to do their own thing.

    I think that we don't have a real legit shot to be an elite team this year, but yea...this is pretty much the team thats going to announce to the league that the Jets are here to play...stay....whatever.
    #35 JetsLookingforDWare, Jul 5, 2008
    Last edited: Jul 5, 2008
  16. Keeper1125

    Keeper1125 Member

    Dec 17, 2006
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    I also suspect that Mangold was dealing with some injury issues. I can remember a couple of instances where it looked like he should have been out for a few weeks and came back a series later.
  17. Harpua

    Harpua Well-Known Member

    Aug 6, 2007
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    I think 10-6 is the high end if all goes right. 8-8 is a mosr realistic guess. Sadly the QB situation will be the turning point of this season. If one of them is able to step up and carry the team through a tough game or two the we can be playoff bound again. If we get late game picks over and over like last year then 8-8 or worse.

    Or D should be better with the additions of Jenkins, Pace, and Gholston.

    Or O-line should be better with Faneca and Woody in the mix now.

    We need a QB to be a leader and make plays. Chad is a leader, but I think physicaly he is done. Kellen showed flashes last year of being able to make big plays late in games, even if our receivers could not hang on to the damn ball most of the time.

    I hope Kellen takes over the starting job early in camp and takes the team on his back. I have more faith that he can do it as opposed to the oft injured Chad.
  18. FJF

    FJF 2018 MVP Joe Namath Award Winner

    Feb 29, 2008
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    i really see an 8-8,9-7 team.with 2009 being the year we make the step to perennial play-off team.
  19. kelly

    kelly Banned

    Apr 21, 2003
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    we're lookin' at 9 wins (max.) guys ~ ~
    cheers . . :(

  20. semperfigreen

    semperfigreen Well-Known Member

    Jul 2, 2008
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    If the defense can play to its ability and the offense can average 17-20 points a game we can go 10-6.

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