If you are already in a TGG related keeper, please dont sign up because I will most likely boot you....Serious players only. Draft is March 23rd, online. It will be a keeper league, so when the time comes, we will do an offline draft next year and keep 6, only 6, of our players. If we get a new player to the league every year, we will subtract a player that we get to keep, for the sake of leveling the player field. There are 12 spots open. Scoring is points. NO head to head. 1. Scikotics 2. SixFeetDeep 3. Cappy 4. FranktheTank 5. RichMiano 6. Exit 117 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.
what kind of league do you play? I havent done FB in a while, but I thought that was the best way to go...
bump....lets get this thing filled up so I can send out all the info and we can all agree on a good draft date.... 4 of 12 spots are taken...8 remain ( If you cant subtract)
Head to Head Keeper sounds like an interesting league so if you have a spot throw old Richy in the mix......
Oh my bad.... that's cool I like roto better anyway. Nothing worse than losing in the playoffs because your team has shut it down. Not just baseball but any sport. I'm still in
im not going to go through with the league if we only have 6 teams....I want at least 10, otherwise consider this a failure...